Orange County NC Website
i <br />Fi~uarter be¢ina oa the date of DCA Director's sienature on the Grant A¢reement and Fuadin¢ Approval <br />List goals to be accomplished each Quarter. Activities should correspond to those on the Budget and National Objective Part A Benefit: Low and Moderate Income forms in application approved far funding. <br /> Ist Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Sth Quarter 6th Quarter 7th Quarter 8th Quarter 9th Quarter 10th Quarter <br /> %Units %Units %Units %Units °h Units %Units %Units %Units <br />2. Housing Activities <br />a Relocation <br />b. Acquisition <br />o. Disposition <br />d. Clearance <br />e. Rehabilitation of Privately <br />owned dwellings <br />(Includes any on-site <br />installations; e.g., septic 13 . 2 6 . 3 9 .5 2 .6 5 .7 8 .91 10 0 10 0% <br />tanks, wells) <br />f. Units Constmcted <br />g. Units Occupied <br /> 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 15 <br />S: PROGDEV: CR:PFMBASE <br />F-+ <br /> <br />