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Planning Group. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Chair Carey to approve the <br />Stoney Creek Small Area Plan and recommendation for implementation consistent with the Planning Board <br />recommendation. It is further recommended that the Planning Group reconvene to address the issues <br />village option and expedited review) highlighted in the July 5 memo along with implementation measures. If <br />it is determined that ordinance amendments are necessary for implementation, the work of the Planning <br />Group is to be coordinated with the Ordinance Review Committee with a report to the County <br />Commissioners no later than October 1, 1996. <br />VOTE: AYES, 4; NOES, 1 (Commissioner Crowther) <br />C. Revision to Policy on Impact Fee Reimbursement for Affordable Housing <br />Tara Fikes explained in detail the two proposed amendments. <br />Chair Carey made reference to a letter he received from Donna Dyer in which she has raised <br />some questions about these proposed amendments. Commissioner Gordon said she had many of the same <br />concerns as Ms. Dyer. <br />After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by <br />Commissioner Halkiotis to defer action on this item and to request that staff take into consideration the <br />concerns expressed by Donna Dyer and bring back a recommendation for the Board's consideration. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />D. Discussion of Landfill Reorganization Work Group Recommendations <br />John Link explained this proposal. Chair Carey distributed a resolution for the Board's <br />consideration. The resolution would authorize Orange County to be responsible for the development and <br />operation of the next landfill in Orange County and would establish an advisory committee composed of <br />representatives from the towns to provide advice on its operation and be the liaison with their <br />appointing boards. He suggested that the resolution be sent to all the governing boards for their comments. <br />Commissioner Willhoit emphasized that the present landfill organization is not workable with <br />having to go to all four governing boards with recommendations. The organization needs to be a decision <br />making group. <br />Three citizens expressed concerns with the proposal. <br />Roger Barr expressed a concern about who would assume responsibility for the debt of <br />funding a new landfill. He asked that landfill fees be projected for the next fifteen years. <br />Linda Carver feels that a landfill committee would have too much power, especially decision <br />making powers. She asked that the County Commissioners have the final say. <br />Patrick Mulkey feels it would be dangerous to have a committee who could commit the <br />citizens to bonds and have the power to pass controversial decisions. He also has concerns about the <br />County operating the new landfill. <br />After further discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Crowther, seconded by <br />Commissioner Gordon to place this item on the next agenda for further discussion. Each County <br />Commissioner will have the opportunity to review the resolution and forward comments to Chair Carey. <br />VOTE:E®UNANIMOUSE <br />E. Advertisement for August 26 Public Hearing <br />Planner Emily Cameron made this presentation. Commissioner Gordon asked that the sectior <br />of the notice describing "Temporary Events" be revised to add the words "in residential zoning districts" to the <br />end of the first sentence in that notice. The sentence would then say, in part, that there would be a "a new <br />Special Use category called "Temporary Events", which would allow temporary commercial uses such as the <br />commercial sponsoring of social events, crafts fairs, festivals, and concerts in residential zoning districts." <br />Commissioner Gordon noted that allowing temporary commercial events in residential districts is a significant <br />change from our current ordinance. A motion was made by Commissioner Crowther, seconded by <br />Commissioner Gordon to approve the advertisement for the public <br />hearing , as amended, scheduled for August 26, 1996. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />THE BOARD ADJOURNED THE MEETING AT THIS POINT IN THE AGENDA AT 10:40.