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$2,500, and a construction contract to Carolina Model Home Corporation for $46,300 for the cost of <br />providing replacement housing at 321 West Corbin Street in Hillsborough. Four other bids were received <br />D. H. Griffin Wrecking Company at $6,000, Hinesley Thompson at $5,200,W & W Developers, Inc. at <br />$2,900 and Eno Mountain Homes at $5,000. <br />P. Citizen Participation Plan <br />The Board approved the Citizen Participation Plan for use in the implementation of federal <br />and state housing programs. The plan sets forth a process to allow citizen input at all stages of housing <br />program implementation as well as during the evaluation and monitoring phases. <br />Q. Community Development Block Grant Award <br />The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign the Grant Agreement; funding <br />approval form and signatory form and certification cards for the 1996 Community Development Block Grant <br />award upon the review and approval of the County Attorney. <br />R. HOME Program/Development Agreement Amendment <br />The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign an Amendment to the Development <br />Agreement under the HOME Program with the Orange Community Housing Corporation for the Magnolia <br />Place subdivision upon review and approval of the County Attorney. <br />S. CDBG Program/Development Agreement Amendment <br />The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign an Amendment to the Development <br />Agreement under the CDBG Program with the Orange Community Housing Corporation for the Magnolia <br />Place subdivision after the review and approval of the County Attorney. <br />T. Minutes <br />The Board approved the minutes as presented for April 16, May 28, 30, June 10, 12, 1996. <br />VOTE ON THE CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br />IX. ITEMS FOR DECISION--REGULAR AGENDA <br />A. Merritt Mill Square <br />John Link presented for the Board's consideration a request from Empowerment, Inc., a non- <br />profit community development corporation, for $30,000 to assist in the acquisition of Merritt Mill Square in <br />Chapel Hill. Empowerment, Inc. is pursuing the acquisition of Merritt Mill Square in order to preserve the <br />ten rental units presently offered in the community. For the past several years, Merritt Mill Square has <br />offered affordable efficiency units for lower income individuals. He said that staff would be supportive to <br />fund this from contingency or the general fund balance. <br />Myles Presler, Director of Empowerment, Inc.. said that there are four to six banks working <br />with BB&T to purchase these ten units and renovate them. The units are affordable at $325.00 including <br />utilities. He asked that Orange County contribute $30,000 to this effort. He said that the tenants will have <br />an organization and a board which will encourage the tenants to secure better employment, improve their <br />education and move on. <br />Chair Carey said that he talked with Donna Dyer who said that Orange Community Housing <br />supports reappropriation of $50,000 in HOME funds to this project. Chapel Hill recently committed $20,000 <br />toward the project conditional upon the financial support of Orange County and Carrboro. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Chair Carey to consider taking <br />$30,000 from the $35,000 allocated to the Home Health Agency mentioned above contingent upon a review <br />by staff concerning the soundness of the proposal and a staff recommendation at the next meeting <br />concerning whether the proposal should be approved. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />B. Stoney Creek Small Area Plan <br />The County Commissioners considered the Planning Board's recommendation on the draft <br />version of the Stoney Creek Basin Small Area Plan. Acting Planning Director Gene Bell made the <br />presentation reviewing the charge and goals set forth by the County Commissioners for the Stoney Creek