Orange County NC Website
Source - Intergovernmental $ 200 <br />- Charges for Services 5,500 <br />Appropriation - Public Safety 5,400 <br />(to budget for EMS contract with Orange County Speedway and <br />Fire Marshal State hazardous materials grant) <br />Source - Intergovernmental $ 12,500 <br />Appropriation - Contributions to Outside Agencies 12,500 <br />(to budget for additional CBA funds associated with <br />Volunteer Families for Children) <br />Miscellaneous (Appropriations) $ (310,965) <br />Appropriation - Community Maintenance 8,552 <br />- General Administration 25,655 <br />- Taxation & Records 45,090 <br />- Community Planning 13,993 <br />- Human Services 121,276 <br />- Public Safety 62,193 <br />- Public Works 34,206 <br />(to allocate career growth and performance awards to <br />County departments) <br />SUBDIVISION PAYMENT-IN-LIEU FUND <br />Source - Appropriated Fund Balance $ 25,000 <br />Appropriation - Transfers to Other Funds 25,000 <br />IMPACT FEE FUND <br />Source - Appropriated Fund Balance $ 422,250 <br />Appropriation - Transfers to Other Funds 422,250 <br />EFLAND SEWER OPERATING FUND <br />Source - Charges for Services $ 6,000 <br />Appropriation - Public Works 6,000 <br />(to budget for additional tap fees received in the <br />Efland Sewer Operating Fund) <br />SHAPING ORANGE COUNTY'S FUTURE GRANT PROJECT ORDINANCE <br />Source - Intergovernmental - Town of Chapel Hill $ 56,065 <br />- Intergovernmental - Town of Carrboro 17,999 <br />Orange County - Transfer from the General Fund (95-96) 42,588 <br />- Transfer from the General Fund (96-97) 7,369 <br />- Transfer from the General Fund (97-98) 34,393 <br />- Transfer from the General Fund (98-99) 13,829 <br />TOTAL Transfer from Orange County 98,179 <br />(This project is a joint initiative of the towns of Chapel <br />Hill and Carrboro and the County to conduct a visionary <br />or goal setting process for the entire county) <br />MIDDLE SCHOOL ENRICHMENT CAMP GRANT PROJECT ORDINANCE <br />Source - North Carolina State University $ 60,000 <br />- Orange County Schools 5,000 <br />- Participant Fees 47,000 <br />Appropriation - Human Services - Middle School 112,000 <br />Enrichment Camp <br />(This project is to provide supervised safe, affordable, and <br />enriching environments for youths ages 10-14) <br />EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLES PROJECT CAPITAL PROJECT ORDINANCE <br />Source - Transfer from County Capital Reserve Fund (92-93) 295,300 <br />Source - Transfer from General Fund (93-94) 391,615 <br />Source - Transfer from General Fund (94-95) 465,229 <br />Source - Transfer from General Fund (95-96) 299,415 <br />Source - Transfer from EMS Base 2 Project (95-96) 10,000 <br />Source - Intergovernmental (92-93) 32,935