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rental project and the property can never be sold. Mr. Lohla said that an independent rental management <br />company will be hired to manage the property. <br />Board of Aldermen members Diane McDuffey and Hank Anderson spoke in support of this <br />project. <br />Former Mayor of Carrboro Eleanor Kinnaird spoke in support of this project. She feels this is a <br />window of opportunity to make this project feasible. <br />Commissioner Willhoit suggested reducing the amount of school capital funds from the first 1/2 <br />cent sales tax and replacing it with the impact fee they would receive creating a school capital neutral. This <br />would involve taking $372,000 from the 1/2 cent sales tax and putting it in the impact fee account for the <br />Chapel Hill/Carrboro School District. <br />The County Commissioners all agreed they would like to help provide affordable housing and <br />continued talking about the possibilities for making this happen. <br />John Link noted that the funding of this impact fee can be considered in next years' budget <br />since this project will not be finished until 1997. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill noted that Carrboro collects the impact fee at the time the building permit is <br />issued, so this would not work if the building permit is issued in 1996-97 fiscal year. The Impact Fee <br />Ordinance does not require payment until the certificate of occupancy is issued. Carrboro would need to <br />make an adjustment in their policy. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she would like to do something for affordable housing. <br />However, the only solution should not be taking resources from the schools. This is a lot of money. A major <br />problem with this impact fee, in contrast with an impact tax, is that we have very little flexibility and she does <br />not feel we can do it. <br />Commissioner Willhoit suggested that in principle that the Board works out some mechanism <br />by which reimbursement of the impact fee could be done for this project from the first half cent sales tax <br />allocation to the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools in the same amount of the impact fees that would accrue <br />to the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School District from the impact fees on this project. This would not impact <br />the school system at all. <br />Commissioner Crowther suggested that the County and the Town of Carrboro share the cost <br />of reimbursement of the educational Facilities Impact Fees since both the County and the Town will receive <br />advalorem taxes from this development. The Board agreed with asking Carrboro to participate in this effort to <br />provide for affordable housing. <br />Mr. Lohla said that time is of the essence because they will hear about their application in July <br />and must, at that time, either accept or reject the grant based on the feasibility of the project. If they took tax <br />credits and did not follow through on the project, they would not be allowed to ever do a project in North <br />Carolina. <br />Commissioner Gordon reiterated her position. This is a lot of money and the County does not <br />have a mechanism in place to do what is being requested. She feels it unfair to ask the County to do this in <br />such a short turnaround time, especially since every single suggestion has to do with taking money from the <br />schools. <br />Commissioner Willhoit clarified that what he is proposing did not take money from the schools. <br />It took the same amount from both sides of the equation which ends up revenue neutral for the schools. <br />Mary Bushnell, member of the Chapel Hill/Carrboro School Board, said that it really is not <br />revenue neutral and asked if there was some way that the schools would not have to absorb the entire <br />amount. <br />Mark Royster, Chair of the Chapel Hill/Carrboro School Board, said that even if there was an <br />offsetting entry, the schools would lose because the impact will be from the houses that the people leave to <br />go to live in these apartments. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Crowther, seconded by Chair Carey to provide for <br />reimbursement of Educational Facilities Impact Fees of $212,648 for First Centrum Corporation's <br />development called Carolina Spring, with the condition that the Town of Carrboro will pay the remaining fees. <br />VOTE: AYES, 3; NOS, 1 (Commissioner Gordon) <br />C. INTEGRATED SOLID WASTE STUDY IMPLEMENTATION <br />John Link summarized the material in the agenda. The Landfill Owners Group (LOG) <br />requested that the County Commissioners review a number of issues related to the integrated solid waste <br />management plan implementation and provide feedback regarding the proposed system. John Link made