Agenda - 02-08-2011 - 2
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-08-2011 - Work Session - Late
Agenda - 02-08-2011 - 2
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2/4/2011 4:52:44 PM
Creation date
2/4/2011 4:50:21 PM
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Minutes 02-08-2011
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3 <br />County and our society are suffering problems that could be solved if our taxpayer <br />money were spent to provide .health, education, and economic opportunity at home. In <br />2009, the Illinois state legislature voted to call for end of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. <br />Carrboro recently passed a similar resolution. Several of you voted for a resolution <br />opposing the Iraq war a few years ago. Municipalities all across the country have <br />passed similar resolutions. These resolutions cause no harm to governments. Please <br />vote honorably, either for or against the resolution. <br />We live in extraordinary times. We are experiencing a society decline, a society <br />in which democracy has been corrupted to the point that only our elected officials bind <br />us to real democracy. The military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about <br />has successfully hi jacked our government as enjoying unprecedented levels of war <br />profiteering with our money. If you send a message to Washington, your priority is <br />beneath your constituents, and you understand the futility of spending funds on this <br />tragic war. That would be a powerful message and an inspiration for those who value <br />true leadership." <br />Charlie Cleary from Orange County spoke. He said that he and some ex- <br />veterans reviewed this resolution and they chose not to support it. He said that all of <br />them are ex-veterans. He is a Vietnam veteran and he knows how people felt when they <br />came back. He said that they were told to come back to the United States not dressed <br />in their uniforms because they would be spat upon, and they were. He said that by not <br />supporting your veterans, you are telling them that all of the things that they have done <br />are in vain. He asked the County Commissioners not to support this resolution. <br />Ben Lloyd said that in his 80 years of calling Orange County home, four years <br />was spent in the service, 35 years was spent in some public and political involvement, <br />and four years was spent as a County Commissioner. He said that in this entire period, <br />nothing in his opinion has been as upsetting to him and as ridiculous as this resolution <br />being considered. He said that nobody likes war, but cutting off funds for the troops is <br />not the answer. He said that agreeing to do so sends a message to the Taliban, AI <br />Qaida, and terrorists to come in and take over. He said that he read an article in the <br />Durham Herald in October where Iran and Venezuela has formed a close partnership to <br />establish a new world order that will eliminate western dominance. He said that the <br />intent of these groups is to kill us. The President recently sent 30,000 more troops to <br />end this situation over there. He suggested that the County Commissioners let <br />Congress and the military leaders handle it. He said that Colin Powell was on Larry King <br />Live last night and Colin Powell's statement was, "we must stay engaged and not walk <br />away." This resolution is walking away. He said that he is embarrassed that a <br />resolution such as this is even considered. <br />Bobby Nichols said that he represented the WW II veterans. He spent a couple <br />of years in the Navy. He did not do any fighting, but every person that he knows that <br />has served in the military was willing to die for their country. He said that this resolution <br />was the wrong thing to do. He said that terrorists are our big worry in this world now. <br />He said that we need to pay our servicemen, and he is opposed to putting this money <br />into education or anything else. He said that his son went to get a job and they told that <br />him that he was overqualified. <br />Bill Ray is from the northern part of the County. He said that for Orange County <br />to ask the President to send 30,000 troops to Afghanistan and then deny him the money <br />is ridiculous. He did not know that Orange County was getting involved in national <br />politics. He said that the federal government should handle this. He said that he has <br />been in the service three different times and if the service men and women are not <br />supported, the country will go down the drain. <br />
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