Orange County NC Website
~~~ <br />~ Agenda Item 9B: Resolution <br />A resolution was substituted for Agenda Item 9B. <br />Commissioner Walker moved, seconded by Commissioner Barnes, to adopt <br />a resolution authorizing the submission of an application for a State Grant <br />under the Clean !later Bond act of 1971. Vote: ayes, 5;-noes, 0. For <br />copy of said resolution, see page 069 of this book. <br />Agenda Item 10: Erosion Control.Officer's Report <br />This item was postponed until the February 5th meetino. <br />__ <br />Agenda Item 12: ~ Budget Amendments "- <br />Commissioner Gustaveson moved, seconded by Commissioner Barnes to <br />approve the budget amendments proposed by the Finance Director i:o record the <br />awarded Community Development Grant and to record CETA funding approved by . <br />the State Division of Community Employment. Vote: ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br />For copy of the budget amendment document, see: page 112 <br />of this book. <br />Agenda Item 11A: Terms for Members of Orange County <br />Board of Health <br />Commissioner Gustaveson moved, seconded by Commissioner Willhoit to <br />authorize someone, possibly the bounty Attorney or a staff person or a <br />County Commissioner, to sketch out legislation to stagger the three professional <br />terms of the County Board of Health and to stagger the five remaining positions <br />as follows: two for three years, two for two years and one for one year; <br />thereafter, all appointments shall be fora term of three years. Commissioner <br />Gustaveson also moved to request a representative of.the Legislature to <br />introduce this legislation. Vote: ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br />Agenda Item 11B: ABC Board Membership <br />Commissioner Walker moved not to change the size of the ABC Board. <br />Motion died for lack of a second. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson moved, seconded by Commissioner Barnes, to <br />request local legislation to increase the size of the Orange County <br />ABC Board from three members to five members. Vote: ayes, Commissioners <br />Whitted, Barnes, Gustaveson and Willhoit; noes, Commissioner !talker. <br />Agenda Item 11C: ABC Board Appointment Procedure <br />Commissioner Gustaveson moved, seconded by Commissioner !•lillhoit, <br />