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NC Bulletin 300-4-10 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />eligibility and approval of the respective program (EQIP, WHIP, NC Agricultural Cost Share Program, <br />etc). <br />Planning to the resource management system level is desirable and should be encouraged. If the plan <br />does not meet the RMS level of planning, then the NRCS planning policy on progressive planning will be <br />followed (i.e. the plan will list and explain the practices needed to reach the RMS level). However, at a <br />minimum, conservation plans on all enrolled land must meet the criteria as outlined in Attachment 2, <br />FRPP Conservation Planning Requirements. <br />Questions concerning the Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program should be addressed first to the <br />local NRCS field office, then to the appropriate NRCS area office, and then to the program manager, <br />Dick Fowler. <br />Information on the web can be found at: <br />http://www. <br />Proposals from eligible entities should be forwarded to: <br />Dick Y. Fowler <br />USDA-NRCS <br />4405 Bland Road, Suite 205 <br />Raleigh, NC 27609 <br />All proposal packages should address and include each of the items listed in the request for proposals. <br />The attached NRCS Farmland Protection Program ranking worksheet should be completed and <br />submitted for each farm included in the proposal. Please note that part 6 of the ranking worksheet <br />must be completed by the local NRCS district conservationist and SWCD representative. <br />Narratives should be submitted to cover any required items that are not addressed by the worksheet or <br />any item in the worksheet that the applicant feels would benefit from additional clarification. The <br />Summary of Pending Easement Offers (Attachment 4) should be completed with information for all farms <br />included in the proposal. Incomplete proposal packets may result in the proposal not being considered <br />for funding. <br />A Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program committee will evaluate proposals and a prioritized <br />recommendation for funding will be sent to the NRCS State Conservationist for consideration. The <br />numerical score from the ranking worksheet, along with all other supporting data, will be used to prioritize <br />funding requests. The State Conservationist will determine the funding amounts for the successful <br />applicants. The program manager will notify all entities as to their funding status once final allocations <br />are determined. Funding decisions are expected to be available within 30 days after the close of the <br />Request For Proposals. All funds must be encumbered to agreements with eligible entities by <br />September 30, 2004. <br />~~ <br />Mary K. Combs <br />State Conservationist <br />Attachments <br />