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Commissioner McKee asked about the process and what happens if the County <br /> Commissioners do nothing and leave the line as it is now. <br /> John Roberts said that the Alamance County Attorney would likely push the County <br /> Commissioners to send to the General Assembly a green line that is a straight line that does <br /> not involve any petition criteria. If that happens, it will get passed whether Orange County likes <br /> it or not. <br /> Chair Pelissier asked how many people were involved in the 9% and Craig Benedict <br /> said that it is about 26 property owners. There are probably another 20 in the 8%. The people <br /> that spoke tonight were not part of the 9%. If the County Commissioners approve the 91%, <br /> the NCGS line will be affixed in the Morrow Mill area. <br /> Chair Pelissier asked about Option 4 and if there was any indication that Alamance <br /> County would not insist on being indemnified. John Roberts said that Option 4 would not <br /> involve any indemnification. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked, if the Board accepted Option 4, whether there would be <br /> an alternative of going back and revisiting the 8%. <br /> John Roberts said that there is no opportunity to revisit the 8%. The 91% would be <br /> fixed by the General Assembly, and that includes the 8%. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that one of the things that sometimes happens in <br /> government is that they are not clear enough. He said that there are two statements that <br /> would be reasonable to add to the resolution. One is that, "Orange County is committed to <br /> resolve in the delineation of the remaining portions of the Orange/Alamance County within <br /> calendar year 2012." John Roberts said that this could be added. <br /> The second statement is, "Orange County is committed to making adjustments to the <br /> Orange/Alamance County line in the areas not currently included in the 91% under which there <br /> is agreement between both counties." John Roberts said that this sounds fine also. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs suggested that the motion include these clarifying comments. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> to close the public hearing. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to: <br /> 1. Adopt 91% of the line exactly as Alamance County adopted it in its motion; <br /> 2. Both counties will, through a separate local bill, ask the GA (General Assembly) to <br /> leave existing tax, election, processes in place while the counties solicit input from the <br /> 9% property owners not included through an administrative process similar to that <br /> previously used for the entire line. <br /> 3. Once the process is completed, the counties will submit a local bill to the GA asking for <br /> adoption of the agreed upon final portion of the line; <br /> 4. Orange County is committed to making adjustments to Orange/Alamance line in the <br /> areas not currently included in the 91% on which there is agreement between both <br /> counties; <br /> 5. Orange County is committed to resolving the delineation of the remaining portions of <br /> the Orange/Alamance County line within calendar year 2012. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that during the first joint meeting with Alamance County last <br /> year, there was a consensus that they would try and minimize the displacement of people from <br /> one county to another. He said that somehow this consensus was lost. When both parties <br /> met again a few weeks ago, the same consensus was reached and once again, the consensus <br /> has been lost. He does not think that it is appropriate to agree to anything that goes back on <br />