Orange County NC Website
SECTION 4 <br /> 2010 local bill area "that involve residents and property located in areas affected by the <br /> resurvey of the boundary line." <br /> 2010 LOCAL BILL -1362 <br /> SESSION LAW 2010-61 <br /> SECTION 7 <br /> WHAT Administrative method <br /> WHO Owners of property <br /> ISSUE Annexed (Le. switched form one county to the other) or bisected (Le. split by NCGS) <br /> RECOURSE "opportunity to petition ... " <br /> OPTIONS "remain in the county to which their property was previously assigned" <br /> "or in the case of bisection, to be assigned to one county or the other" <br /> CONSTRAINTS "save and except that small lot subdivisions [Le. Eliza Lane, NW 9th <br /> Street, Collington Farms, Village of the Oaks, etc.] shall not be divided on a lot by lot basis" <br /> NOTE: BOCC's approved criteria and sent letter that was more administratively restrictive than <br /> the 2010 Local Bill language. This allowed joint staffs to narrow administrative petition results <br /> and still allowed legislative latitude to include other local bill criteria noted in Section 7 above <br /> and Section 8 below during the public hearing process. <br /> SECTION 8 <br /> ACTION "cause areas of the boundary line to be resurveyed in areas., ," <br /> WHERE <br /> CASE 1 met established administrative criteria <br /> CASE 2 "in areas where for practical or other reasons the NCGS line is not reasonable or is <br /> unduly <br /> burdensome," [legislative action] <br /> SECTION 10 <br /> The elected and appointed officials and employees of Alamance County and Orange County <br /> shall incur no liability under any local or North Carolina statute, law, ordinance, rule or <br /> regulation for any act or failure to act relating to taxation, .. as it relates to the currently utilized <br /> boundary line", <br /> Special Note: <br />