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Lawson Brown was representing Tanger Outlet Center and he said that he also <br /> represents 1-85/1-40, and both entities are interested in being in Alamance County. He is <br /> asking that they stay in Alamance County. <br /> Carol Ann McCormick is from the Morrow Mill Road Contingent. She said that <br /> Alamance County does not know that they even exist. This has been a continuing problem, <br /> especially with snow and ice storms. She had to call Alamance County at one point during <br /> some snow to request that they scrape the road because the school bus could not get through, <br /> and she was told that Alamance County was not even aware that this road was in Alamance <br /> County. She always has to call during a storm to remind them to plow the road. She thanked <br /> the Board of County Commissioners for making sure that children that are currently enrolled in <br /> Orange County schools can stay in Orange County schools, but she will have to inform the <br /> school district each year of this and she is concerned about bus service since they were <br /> grandfathered in. She asked that this neighborhood stay in Orange County. <br /> Will Bettman is also from the Morrow Mill neighborhood and he wants to stay in Orange <br /> County. He said that he has written letters to both Boards of County Commissioners. He is <br /> not sure what else the neighborhood needs to do. The majority of the residents in the <br /> neighborhood want to remain in Orange County. <br /> Jim Anson lives in Mill Creek and he asked that Mill Creek stay in Alamance County. <br /> Jim McFadden said that he would like to be part of Alamance County. He currently <br /> lives in the Orange County portion of Mill Creek. He feels more associated with the bordering <br /> county of Alamance. <br /> Frank Clifton said that Craig Benedict would make a PowerPoint presentation on this <br /> issue. The County Attorney has been in contact with Alamance County and has a <br /> recommendation after the presentation. <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> DECEMBER 14, 2010 <br /> Item 6.a. Orange-Alamance Boundary Line Adjustment Action <br /> 2008 Taxing Boundary <br /> Option 1 <br /> 77% NCGS <br /> 14% Petitioned <br /> - Approve 100% which includes 91% NCGS and Petitioned areas and 9% Orange <br /> County Recommendation without agreement <br /> - This option does not include any of the November 29, 2010 work session adjustments <br /> (approx. 8% of the green NCGS line) <br /> Option 2 <br /> Nov. 29 Meeting Adjustments 8% <br /> NCGS 69% <br /> Orange County Staff 9% <br /> Petitioned 14% <br /> - Approves 83% green and blue line and holds in abeyance 17% orange and red line. <br /> Option 3 <br />