Orange County NC Website
WHEREAS, Mark and Lori Volpe wish to protect a 5.18-acre portion of their property that has <br /> 400 feet of frontage along a section of the Eno River that has aquatic habitat of national <br /> significance and is located upstream of two public water supply reservoirs; and <br /> WHEREAS, Mark and Lori Volpe wish to grant a permanent conservation easement to Orange <br /> County, which will protect the natural resources associated with their property: <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br /> does hereby 1) accept on behalf of Orange County the conservation easement in the property <br /> owned by Mark and Lori Volpe that is described in the conservation easement agreement; 2) <br /> approve the execution of this conservation easement agreement with Mark and Lori Volpe, in <br /> accordance with the terms of the attached easement agreement, subject to final review by <br /> staff and the county attorney; and 3) authorize the Chair and the Clerk to sign the easement <br /> agreement on behalf of the Board, with a closing to occur on or about December 31, 2010. <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board thanks the Volpes for their civic-minded interest <br /> in pursuing this conservation easement through the Lands Legacy Program. <br /> This the 14th day of December, 2010. <br /> VOTE ON CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br /> 5. Items Removed From Consent Agenda — NONE <br /> 6. Public Hearings <br /> a. Orange —Alamance Boundary Line Adjustment Action <br /> The Board considered the Orange-Alamance Boundary Line Report as amended (from <br /> November 29. 2010 Joint County Work Session) and made a recommendation for the 100% <br /> resolution of boundary location. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Becky Malone spoke on behalf of the Mill Creek Homeowner's Association and said <br /> that they would like all of Mill Creek subdivision to move into Alamance County. <br /> Jill Desmonie said that she wants for Mill Creek to move into Alamance County since <br /> they are so isolated from the rest of Orange County, especially with the schools and EMS. <br /> Thom Schopler said that he wanted to reiterate what the citizens said at the joint <br /> Orange County and Alamance County meeting on November 29th that the Morrow Mill area <br /> wants to remain in Orange County. He said that it would be an undue burden if they were <br /> moved to Alamance County. Specifically, he is concerned about Emergency Services and the <br /> distance that they would live from Alamance EMS if they were moved to Alamance County. <br /> James Howard said that he originally bought property in 1969 and the house and land <br /> were in Orange County. He said that access to their driveway comes off of Morrow Mill Road <br /> in Orange County. He said that at the joint meeting on November 291h, it seemed that <br /> Alamance County was in agreement with their properties staying in Orange County, but <br /> something has changed recently. He asked the County Commissioners to please keep them <br /> in Orange County. <br />