Orange County NC Website
The Board was to consider making two new appointments and one reassignment to the <br /> Advisory Board on Aging. <br /> DEFERRED <br /> b. Orange County Parks and Recreation Council — New Appointment <br /> The Board considered making a new appointment to the Orange County Parks and <br /> Recreation Council. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> to appoint Allan Green to the Bingham Township position to a partial term expiring March 31, <br /> 2011. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> c. Orange County Planning Board — New Appointment <br /> The Board considered making a new appointment to the Orange County Planning <br /> Board. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs that <br /> this item be delayed and re-advertised. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> d. Solid Waste Advisory Board — New Appointments <br /> The Board considered making new appointments to the Solid Waste Advisory Board. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Steve Graf lives in Cedar Grove and he is a member of Orange County Voice. He <br /> encouraged the Board to consider applicants that live outside of Chapel Hill Township so that <br /> the representation is fair. <br /> Patrick Mulkey read a prepared statement. <br /> "Good Evening, my name is Patrick Mulkey and I am a resident of Bingham Township. <br /> In order for no one to read anything into my remarks and for the record I would like to <br /> remove my name from consideration to the Solid Waste Advisory Board. <br /> I have served on a few advisory boards in the past and I never recalled making a <br /> recommendation to the Commissioners for a vacancy. I understand from the Clerk's office that <br /> there is no procedure for the boards to follow and that should change. <br /> People elect to be with like-minded folks and groups like advisory boards are no <br /> different, so you have to be careful in accepting their recommendations. <br /> Diversity, in my opinion, is not the color of your skin but it is your core beliefs, be it that <br /> you are liberal, moderate, or conservative. A combination of all will serve everyone well. I do <br /> agree that women and men do not think alike for I have come to appreciate that knowing my <br /> wife for 30 years and counting. <br /> I appreciate the Commissioners' and Manager's work to reduce and streamline the <br /> advisory boards — it makes it easier for all of us to participate in a meaningful way. We hope <br /> that as the County moves forward, you will consider policies that will assure those boards <br /> continue to be relevant and constructive boards, including: <br /> - Strictly enforced term limits and rotations to assure continuity of content and fresh new <br /> ideas <br /> - Strictly enforced policies on conflicts of interest— particularly excluding appointees <br /> from doing business with the County—possibly for a year beyond the end of their <br /> appointment <br /> - Of course, increased representation of rural residents on all boards. Many of the <br /> county seats — like SWAB — are considered "at large" and rural representation often <br />