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due to inactivity, or failure by the applicant to obtain the necessary permits allowing for the <br /> commencement of land disturbing activities, within established local time limits. The Act <br /> covers `any development approval'valid from January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2010. In <br /> August, the General Assembly revised the Act, extending the moratorium on local deadlines <br /> for this year. The Act now expires December 31, 2011. <br /> The Planning Board and the Board of Health recommended that the County should <br /> not opt out of the provisions of the Act. The Manager's recommendation is that the Board take <br /> no action and allow local permits to fall under the provisions of the Act. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Yuhasz <br /> to receive the Planning Board and Board of Health recommendation and information; and take <br /> no action and allow local permits to fall under the provisions of the Act. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> e. 2010-11 County Employee Performance Award <br /> The Board considered approval of a "non-recurring" one-time performance award for <br /> qualifying County employees. <br /> Frank Clifton presented this item. County employees have not received any increases <br /> in compensation during the current or last fiscal year. He said that the employees deserve <br /> some recognition for overall performance. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner McKee to <br /> table consideration of this item until no sooner than May 261h, as part of the budget process <br /> and subsequent to the budget public hearings. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that his concern is ongoing increased cost to the General <br /> Fund. He does support the employees and the 401(k) contribution, and this was reinstated <br /> this past fall. He is wholeheartedly willing to revisit this during the budget discussions. He is <br /> afraid that the State cuts will come down to the counties. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger commended the Manager and the staff for all of the money <br /> that they have been able to save the County. She does not think it is prudent at this time to <br /> give a bonus now, especially if employees will have to be cut later. <br /> Commissioner Gordon agreed with Commissioner Hemminger. She said that if the <br /> economy continues the way it is now, then giving this bonus could risk some employees being <br /> cut at budget time. <br /> Chair Pelissier agreed and added that, in addition to reinstating the 401(k), the County <br /> has not increased the cost to employees for other benefits such as health care. In the private <br /> sector and many other sectors, there are costs being transferred to employees. This should <br /> be recognized as a reward to the employees of Orange County. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he hopes that staff does not take this as a snub, but he <br /> does not think it is prudent at this time to give bonuses. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> f. Orange County Transit Initiatives Follow Up <br /> The Board considered follow up on items discussed during the November 9, 2010 <br /> Board of County Commissioners budget work session and then considered approving action <br /> items. <br /> Craig Benedict made a PowerPoint presentation. <br /> Board of County Commissioners <br /> Southern Human Services Center <br /> December 14, 2010 <br />