Orange County NC Website
We support economic development and would support a timeline that moves forward with <br /> zoning changes in the Economic Development Districts — if it accelerates economic <br /> development, and if it is acceptable to the property holders in and around the E-D-D's. <br /> With respect to the rest of the unincorporated county, residents have become concerned that <br /> county zoning may not sufficiently protect natural resources, quality of life and the assets of <br /> rural citizens and property owners. <br /> It's in this context that we respectfully ask the board, as a priority, to correct two glaring zoning <br /> issues. <br /> • First— please remove "municipal use" from zoning categories. Several years ago — <br /> before most of this board was seated —the county added "municipal use" as an <br /> approved use to every zoning category. This allows the county to place a prison, <br /> waste facility, school or any other county facility anyplace in the county without <br /> asking! The county can pursue these projects - by right—without public notice or <br /> a hearing — regardless of the impact. <br /> We respect that this board has held itself to a higher standard of conduct— but <br /> proper land use must be driven by ordinance and not <br /> rely on the good graces of a sitting board <br /> Please act quickly and decisively to eliminate this loophole. With your support, it is <br /> conceivable that this correction can be made in the first release of the UDO. <br /> • Second — please make airport zoning a high priority for phase 2 of the UDO. As <br /> you know, UNC's recent effort was one of several attempts to site an airport in the <br /> rural county, and certainly not the last. Orange County's airport zoning ordinances <br /> are over 20 years old, and allow an airport to be sited with a special use permit. <br /> Please ask for airport zoning which addresses the likely impacts and implications for <br /> infrastructure, watershed protection and adjacent uses. <br /> Proper zoning is likely to clarify that there is no good place for an airport in Orange <br /> County—which is not a problem since there is more than sufficient airport capacity <br /> nearby. <br /> It can also nullify State Law 2008-204 which allows local zoning to override UNC's <br /> authority to site an airport in Orange County. <br /> The UDO will impact Orange County for many years to come. We thank you for recognizing <br /> the importance of taking the time - to get it right." <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> to receive the proposed schedule and: <br /> B. Continue the public hearing to February 28, 2011 to receive additional public oral <br /> input (April 5, 2011 BOCC action): <br />