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Number 2 that the Planning Board recommends that the staff meet with any of the <br /> interested other municipalities in the County during the month of January to provide them with <br /> information and to solicit their input. <br /> Number 3 that the Planning Board commits itself to submit to the Board of County <br /> Commissioners substantive recommendations by the middle of February so that the Board of <br /> Commissioners can determine whether it would like to calendar a further discussion of those <br /> matters for the end of February scheduled public hearing. <br /> Number 4 that the Planning Board recommends that the planning staff hold an <br /> additional outreach meeting by the end of January to inform the public more fully about issues, <br /> particularly Conditional Districts and Conditional Use Districts. <br /> Number 5 that the Planning Board further commits itself to develop a proposal for the <br /> priorities among the continuing issues to be considered in part two of this process and will <br /> advise the Board of County Commissioners about its recommendation by mid-March on that <br /> point." <br /> Craig Benedict went through the handout. Option 2A would keep the public hearing <br /> open until March 15th to accept the Planning Board recommendation. The Planning Board <br /> recommendation would be made on February 2nd. This means having meetings in January <br /> and addressing conditional use and in early February on stream buffers. The Planning Board <br /> recommendation would be made to the Board of County Commissioners on February 151h. If <br /> everything goes well then, the public hearing would stay open until March 15th and the County <br /> Commissioners could vote on it that night. <br /> Option 2B is the same except that the public hearing would be open until February 28th <br /> to hear more oral comments from the public and refer that to the County Commissioners in <br /> April. He said that there is some difficulty in Option 2B and that is that comments heard at the <br /> potential public hearing in late February would have to be turned around for the Planning <br /> Board to react to them two days later. The public testimony on November 22nd was all very <br /> positive. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Stan Cheren read a prepared statement on behalf of Orange County Voice. <br /> OCV Statement on the Unified Development Ordinance <br /> December 14th, 2010 <br /> Good evening. My name is Stan Cheren and I am speaking on behalf of OCV. <br /> We thank you for considering an extension to the UDO timeline, which among other things, <br /> allows more time for public review and comment. We respectfully request that the board <br /> extend the public hearing to February 28th and secure at least one public outreach session to <br /> inform the public on conditional use and zoning districts and other important zoning changes <br /> that potentially impact rural zoning and the rural buffer. <br /> Since all rural residents are directly impacted by the UDO, we ask that the outreach session be <br /> held in a location that's easily accessible from the north and southwest. If only one session is <br /> planned, a Hillsborough location would work well. <br />