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The next recommendation that the Board of Health made, and that the County Commissioners <br /> approved, was that in 2012-13 that additional staff be added to fully utilize those eight chairs. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that, to be consistent, the County Commissioners recently <br /> sent a letter to the Orange County Schools thanking them for working with KidsCope to not <br /> charge rent because KidsCope could pay for capital improvements to the school's facility. If <br /> that is the policy that the County wants the schools to follow, and the County is going to use <br /> the Whitted Building with the Town of Hillsborough for some other purpose and the Town is <br /> going to provide some capital improvements, then the County should follow the same principle <br /> and not charge rent. If rent is charged, then the County should do the capital improvements. <br /> Frank Clifton said that the staff can come back with a proposal for the issue of <br /> providing dental care in both ends of the County. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Yuhasz, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> approve the Manager's recommendation (with an additional 6th point): <br /> 1) Approve the scope and design of the project as presented; <br /> 2) Authorize bids to be solicited; <br /> 3) Approve the $576,068 Budget Amendment#5-B for the Medicaid Maximization Capital <br /> Project; <br /> 4) Approve the use of Medicaid Maximization Capital funds and Dental Capital Equipment <br /> Funds to complete this project based on the Construction estimate of $1.47 million; <br /> 5) Authorize the Manager or his designee to negotiate and execute a month-to-month <br /> extension of the existing Carr Mill Mall lease for a period not to exceed 90 days <br /> following the June 30, 2011 expiration; and <br /> 6) Direct County staff, in concert with the BOH, and the health department, to develop a <br /> plan for restoring dental services in southern Orange County in a timely and cost <br /> effective manner, including discussion of partnership opportunities with the Towns of <br /> Chapel Hill and Carrboro. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that he would accept the additional point if "timely" falls <br /> within the parameters of the original BOH recommendation and the motion that the County <br /> Commissioners approved previously. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 6; Nay, 1 (Commissioner Gordon) <br /> c. Revised Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Review/Approval Schedule <br /> The Board considered the Planning Board's recommended schedule for further review <br /> of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), deciding whether the November 22 public <br /> hearing will be continued to February 28, 2011 in order to receive additional oral public <br /> comment, and considered approval of a schedule. <br /> Craig Benedict made reference to the handout, which was distributed by the Clerk. He <br /> said that after the November 22, 2010 Quarterly Public Hearing when the UDO was <br /> addressed, the County Commissioners directed the Planning Board to come back with a <br /> recommendation by December 14th. On December 1st, the Planning Board met and discussed <br /> the timeline at length with the instructions given by the County Commissioners to come back <br /> with the timeline that respected the upcoming budget deliberations. The motion was made by <br /> Vice-Chair Judith Wegner of the Planning Board and it was approved 9-1. He went through <br /> the motion: <br /> "Number 1 that the Planning Board expresses its intent and desire and commitment to <br /> work in detail with Conditional District and Conditional use District by having two meetings in <br /> January and to address stream buffer issues in a meeting early in February. <br />