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Commissioner Jacobs thanked Rosemary Summers for the thorough presentation, <br /> because the last presentation was not thorough. He thinks that the County Commissioners <br /> said that they wanted to develop a dental clinic at southern Orange and this is not the <br /> Manager's recollection. He said that whatever was resolved should have been in the agenda <br /> packet. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked about the Medicaid maximization cost settlement funds <br /> and if they were for capital purposes primarily, partially, or optionally. <br /> Rosemary Summers said that in the action the County Commissioners took in 1998 <br /> establishing the fund, the funds were designated for capital. This is for capital furnishings and <br /> equipment. Often that is where the funding does not get placed, so that was the argument. <br /> Deputy Director of Financial Services Michael Talbert said that the Medicaid <br /> maximization funds are one project within the Capital Projects Fund. It is not a separate fund <br /> in itself, but it is one capital project. The funding for that project is the Medicaid maximization <br /> money that comes in each year as a supplement. He said that the financial impact of this <br /> project is that there will be a budget amendment for$576,000 to recognize official Medicaid <br /> maximization money that has come in the last two years. This increases the budget from $1.8 <br /> million to $2,392,000. The County has spent a little over$300,000 of that money over the past <br /> ten years. When the project was established in 1998, the County banked the money for future <br /> capital needs. After the budget amendment, the County will have a little over$2 million to go <br /> towards this project. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked about "this project." <br /> Michael Talbert clarified that there is a project for Medicaid maximization and the <br /> recommendation for tonight is to use this funding for this renovation of the Whitted Building. <br /> When this is done, there will be $600,000 remaining in the fund that can be used for future <br /> health and dental clinic needs. <br /> Discussion ensued about the details of this fund. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger said that she did not even know these funds existed. She <br /> asked if the funds could be spent for planning and Rosemary Summers said yes, as long as <br /> the programs that earn those funds are what will be going to go into that facility. <br /> Commissioner Foushee said that she is in favor of the Manager's recommendations, <br /> but she thinks that the time has passed that the County Commissioners talk strategically about <br /> how to provide dental clinic services, particularly in southern Orange County. The needs are <br /> going to be greater in the future. She still thinks that transportation is going to be problematic. <br /> She said that if the Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro have information about where to site a <br /> dental clinic in southern Orange County, she would like to have this information and assistance <br /> from the Towns. <br /> Rosemary Summers made reference to the list of dental Medicaid providers and <br /> pointed out that anything that says Brower Hall is part of the UNC School of Dentistry. The <br /> majority of the providers that are general dentistry providers are in the School of Dentistry. <br /> She said that she has been in discussion with Piedmont Health for the short-term and <br /> arrangements have been made for patients that cannot get transportation to Hillsborough. <br /> Piedmont Health will accept a referral from Orange County at the County's cost to charge for <br /> the patient for an initial visit for eligible patients. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that he does not doubt that there will be increases in the <br /> use of health and dental clinics. He said that the County may need to address a dual system <br /> again. He said that it is his understanding that Orange County is not required to provide dental <br /> services at any particular level other than common decency. He asked Rosemary Summers if <br /> she anticipates hiring additional staff to handle the additional inflow. <br /> Rosemary Summers said that one of the options that the Board of Health discussed <br /> was the eight-chair clinic that this renovation would take care of is with no additional staff now. <br />