Orange County NC Website
As the abstract indicates during the 2008 space study updates, the long-term plan that <br /> was proposed included relocating health department services in Hillsborough to <br /> Hillsborough Commons and a 15,000 square foot addition to Southern Human Services <br /> for additional health and dental health service needs if possible by 2010-2011. This was <br /> approved by the Board of Commissioners on March 6, 2008. Last year, given the <br /> economic situation and the county's current debt service, the Board of Commissioners <br /> decided not to exercise the option to buy Hillsborough Commons and therefore the plan <br /> approved in 2008 was void. <br /> The Health Department has in good faith submitted extensive analysis and updates to the <br /> space study each year since 2006; with the most extensive analysis occurring in 2007 <br /> and again in 2009-201 0 for dental services. Pros and cons have been included in each <br /> of these iterations for consideration by Commissioners. <br /> (2) With respect to the Health Clinics, the only cost estimate cited previously was $200,000 - <br /> $250,000 plus equipment for renovations that would serve for three to five years. Please <br /> describe those proposed renovations, including but not limited to the part of the Whitted <br /> Building in which they were located, how many square feet were being renovated, the total <br /> number of square feet for the clinics, and the cost for the equipment. <br /> As the abstract states, the $200,000-250,000 included minimal changes to the building to <br /> accommodate only the health clinic moving into space in Building A on the ground floor. <br /> It did not take into account additional exam rooms, a negative pressure room, or other <br /> clinical needs to accommodate anything other than a 3-5 year time span until <br /> Hillsborough Commons could be renovated. It did not include any upfit or changes in the <br /> current clinic space to accommodate the transition of dental services as that decision <br /> had not yet been made. <br /> (3) With respect to the Dental Clinic, please describe the proposed renovations that were <br /> authorized for the Whitted Building when the BOCC agreed to close the Dental Clinic at Carr <br /> Mill, and include the same information as requested in question (2) above. <br /> Please refer to Attachment #2 for Dental Options that was presented at the September <br /> 21, 2010 meeting, you will see that this option called for "renovated dental clinical space <br /> at Whitted to accommodate 8 dental chairs". This was the first recommended option that <br /> was approved by the Board at that meeting. That Board agenda item is attached here for <br /> your convenience. There was no discussion at that time about renovation costs to <br /> accommodate this transition. <br /> (4) My understanding is that Medicaid Maximization Funds could be used at another location, <br /> and thus their use is not limited to the Whitted Building. Could the funds be used for <br /> construction at the Southern Orange Human Services Campus? <br /> Yes, they could be used for new construction as well, however they must be spent in the <br /> program that earned them and the entire sum could not be used to construct a dental <br /> "wing" or "extension". Over the years, the dental program has had to access these <br /> funds to replace broken equipment that was not able to funded by the county. <br />