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Butch Kisiah from Chapel Hill Parks and Recreation explained the advantages of the <br /> turf fields. He said that this will be a great addition for Orange County. He thanked the County <br /> for supporting this. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz made reference to the agreement and the reference to lease <br /> periods. He asked how the determination was made about who can lease the fields. He <br /> asked if there would be equal opportunity for groups throughout the County to lease. <br /> Butch Kisiah said that they rent fields to the soccer organizations within the County. It <br /> is open to anyone who is interested. There is a large meeting for interested parties. It is a <br /> combination of first come first served and trying to fit program needs into a schedule that <br /> allows as much use of the field as possible. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked why there was a five-year agreement. Lori Taft said that <br /> this was discussed with the Attorney and staff and they did not want to string it out for ten <br /> years, but they wanted to give Chapel Hill extra time if something went wrong with the grant. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that there are a few things in the agreement that are <br /> assumed but not stipulated. One of them is within the principles that the County <br /> Commissioners adopted about the Soccer Superfund, which is something like, "subsidized or <br /> reduced fees would be available to qualified participants." He assumes that this is Chapel <br /> Hill's policy, but it is not in the agreement. He thinks that the policy should be followed within <br /> the agreement. <br /> Butch Kisiah said that there are some commitments to organizations and subsidized <br /> fees are allowed. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Gordon <br /> to approve an Interlocal Agreement between Orange County and the Town of Chapel Hill that <br /> would establish parameters under which 2001 Soccer Superfund monies appropriated for Twin <br /> Creeks (Moniese Nomp) Park would be re-allocated to support an artificial turf soccer field <br /> installation project at the Town of Chapel Hill's Cedar Falls Park and authorize the Manager to <br /> sign. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Commissioner Jacobs commended Commissioner Hemminger, who started working on <br /> this before she became a County Commissioner. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs also pointed out that the County does not have a consistent <br /> policy with how it deals with providing recreational facilities within municipalities. He would like <br /> to address this on a complete agenda item and have a complete packet. <br /> b. Approval of Health Department Expansion within Whitted Human Service <br /> Building and Approval of Budget Amendment # 5-B <br /> The Board considered reviewing and approving plans for the renovation of space for <br /> the Health and Dental Clinics at the Whitted Building and approving Budget Amendment#5-B. <br /> Health Director Rosemary Summers made a PowerPoint presentation. <br /> Whitted Renovation Project <br /> December 14, 2010 <br /> Purpose of Renovation <br /> ➢To provide adequate space in Hillsborough for the provision of medical and dental clinical <br /> services for the residents of Orange County. <br /> ➢To provide adequate office space for current staff members. <br />