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the funding problems. He mentioned that the resource and support staff are essential to <br />providing quality education to our students. He also stated that very lean budgets were initially <br />submitted to the school board, after which they were required to cut the supply budgets another <br />24%. This makes it nearly impossible for teachers to provide the materials needed to enhance <br />the learning environment. <br />Dave Thaden, Principal of East Chapel Hill High School, thanked the Manager for funding <br />the start-up costs for both of the new schools. He mentioned that technology specialists are <br />important and need to be funded, as do programs designed for the non-college bound student. <br />He requested that the Board of Commissioners look at the manner in which the impact fee is <br />distributed to the school systems. He asked that disbursement be done when the impact fees <br />are actually collected. This would greatly help in paying for new school start-up costs for this <br />year. A copy of his comments, in their entirety, is in the permanent agenda file in the Clerk's <br />office. <br />MaryAnne Rosenman, past President of the PTA Council, stated that the class sizes <br />must be reduced in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School District in order to provide the quality of <br />education that each of the students deserve. Full funding of this budget request is critical in <br />order to have a lower student to teacher ratio. She also felt that per capita funding did not take <br />into account that 85% of new building permits were issued within the Chapel Hill-Carrboro <br />School System. <br />Robin McCoy, a parent and Assistant Principal in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School <br />System, spoke in support of the school board's budget request. She urged the County <br />Commissioners to fully fund this year's budget request. <br />Pat DeTitta, a Chapel Hill High School teacher, asked that discretionary funds be <br />allocated to fund the necessary classified employee positions. She mentioned that not funding <br />technology specialists will lead to larger size classes as money from existing funds will need to <br />be used to fund those positions. She requested full funding of the school board's budget <br />request. <br />Kathryn Britton, a parent in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School System, requested full <br />funding of the school board's request. She requested that the district tax be increased. The <br />Orange County system should not have to pay for growth in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro system. <br />She mentioned that she worked on a Task Force for Academically Gifted students. One of the <br />Task Force's recommendations was to hire an Enrichment Teacher who would support <br />classroom teachers in developing programs to reach gifted students. <br />Gloria Faley, a parent and vice-president of the PTA Council, felt that many necessary <br />items were removed from the school's budget request prior to its adoption. It is not possible to <br />cut the budget further without detrimental consequences. It is important to build new schools <br />while continuing to meet the needs of existing schools. <br />Louise D'Addario, a Chapel Hill High School parent and member of the PTA <br />Transportation Advisory Committee, requested that the transportation needs for the school <br />system be addressed. In particular, the drivers must be paid a competitive salary and direct <br />communication needs to be installed on each bus. A copy of her comments is in the permanent <br />agenda file in the Clerk's office. <br />Barbara Putnee, a member of the PTA Council, endorsed the school's budget request. <br />She mentioned that the Council often purchases the computers and wiring to meet the student's