2004 S Purchasing -Geographic Technologies Group Inc RFP Award Address Geocoding From Field Verification
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2004 S Purchasing -Geographic Technologies Group Inc RFP Award Address Geocoding From Field Verification
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Last modified
4/14/2011 11:45:56 AM
Creation date
2/2/2011 8:42:40 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Agenda - 04-13-2004-5n
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9) Provide fulltime project management for efficient and timely <br />completion of all of the above described tasks within the overall <br />project negotiated schedule, with completion to the QA/QC <br />standards required. Provide monthly written reports of progress (% <br />complete by task), make supervisory and project management staff <br />available for on-site meetings of status reporting and problem <br />discussion/resolution, and provide reports of areas and instances <br />within the COUNTY addressing databases that are sufficiently <br />problematic that corrections need to be made. Reports for problem <br />areas shall include recommendations for alternative methods for <br />efficient correction. Problem area reporting shall be accomplished <br />on a regular basis as the field verification is completed <br />throughout the project schedule in order that COUNTY staff may <br />have opportunity to make decisions and implement changes through <br />the time period of the contract. Notification of the public for <br />any corrected and/or re-addressed areas will be accomplished by <br />COUNTY staff and is not within the scope of the CONTRACTOR'S <br />services. <br />10) Database Development -The CONTRACTOR must work closely with the <br />COUNTY to develop an ArcGIS compatible database that allows the <br />graphic and tabular data to be used to its fullest potential for <br />E-911, CAD and other GIS related functions and applications. <br />11) Telephone Company Interface - The CONTRACTOR is responsible for <br />acting as liaison with each Telephone Company as it relates to the <br />applicable database and the preparation of the MSAG and Phase II <br />wireless implementation. GTG understands that often the phone <br />company is not responsive to consultants and Orange County may <br />have to act as the liaison to the phone companies forinformation <br />requests .and submissions. The FCC 911 Wireless Requirements do not <br />specify a horizontal datum or map projection to be used by <br />wireless service Providers in providing Automatic Location <br />Identification (ALI) as part of Phase II implementation. One <br />intent of this task of the project is to resolve any and all <br />issues relating to challenges with horizontal datum conversions <br />and map projection to ensure the most reliable and maintainable <br />data integration and operation methods. GTG will make <br />recommendations in regards to .this issue in the form of a report. <br />Data residing in the Orange County GIS can be projected into any <br />coordinate system. Typically, the E911 mapping software will take <br />Phase II latitude and longitude coordinates received from the <br />phone companies and project them as they are received into the <br />native mapping system. coordinate system, in this case North <br />Carolina State Plane. The GTG report will discuss how to integrate <br />the Phase II calls and what is required of the phone company and <br />the current E-911 mapping vendor. <br />12) Determine Readdressing Needs for COUNTY and Municipalities - The <br />CONTRACTOR will utilize the COUNTY'S finalized "Addressing Policy" <br />to evaluate and compare existing addressing throughout the entire <br />COUNTY. CONTRACTOR will prepare a "Readdressing Needs Report" for <br />the COUNTY with the following minimum items reported for each <br />municipality and each geographic "block" of contiguous area within <br />the COUNTY: <br />9 <br />
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