Orange County NC Website
<br />Reduce likelihood that indigent inmates `~ Screen inmate population in Orange and <br />are held in jail pre-trail soley due to Chatham jails within 72 hours of <br />indigency when stability is evident and booking. <br />community risk is low. ~~ <br />..:..t <br />Protect community from additional ~ Look at criminal history. Advise <br />criminal activity by those released judiciary of assualt convictions. <br />from jails pre-trail Monitor telephone reporting, obtain <br />orders for arrest for non-compliance in <br />-~~~ reporting. <br />..:J <br />Reduce the amount of funding spent by ~ Provide information on imates to <br />state and county on incarceration. facilitate the judiciary decision to <br />release. <br />_...1 <br />d <br />.._,! <br />o, <br />12. Program Capacity Data Sentenced PreTrial <br />Provide the following information regarding program services: Offender Release <br />[A] What is the ca aci of the program? (i.e., how many people can <br />20 50 <br />be served at any given time?) <br />[B] 1. What was the actual TOTAL number of people served during 33 203 <br />FY 2002 - 2003? <br />2. What is the estimated TOTAL number of people to be served 45 -` 210 <br />during FY 2003 - 2004? <br />3. What is the estimated TOTAL number of people to be served 45 i 200 <br />during FY 2004 - 2005? <br />[C] Check atl services that apply On Site Off Site <br />