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SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT GOALS ADOPTED BY ORANGE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS 645 <br />Alici Marshall stated that the result of the many years that the landfill search has taken is <br />disharmony between elected officials and the residents of Orange County and between communities and <br />neighbors. She submitted a petition with 550 signatures requesting that the governing boards look at <br />alternatives beyond a landfill. <br />Alderman Jackie Gist stated that they have worked toward harmony by reaching out to neighbors -' <br />and listening to what they have to say. <br />Commissioner Willhoit emphasized that landfilling is one component of the total solid waste <br />management plan from which they will consider alternatives. <br />K. Riley stated that his company last year processed 12 million pounds of plastic, 2-1/2 million <br />pounds of that was PVC Vinyl siding. Not one pound of this came from Orange County. <br />Gayle Wilson stated that a report will be presented on May 8 regarding construction and demolition <br />materials and some options on how Orange County may proceed to reach a 50% reduction in that area. <br />C. Griffin, representative of an organization called SEAL, said their goal was to educate the public <br />on alternatives to landfilling solid waste. Their overall goal is to stop Eubanks Road area landfill. <br />R. Ban- questioned why there was not a goal to be good stewards of the citizen's money and thus <br />keep cost as low as possible for waste disposal. He asked if the LOG is willing to adopt a goal to keep <br />the cost low within Orange County and not issue bonds without consent of the citizens. <br />Councii Member Chilton said that they plan to look at drafting some language for that. <br />Commissioner Willhoit clarified that the total cost for disposing of solid waste is $175 million over <br />the 50-year life of the landfill. <br />Mayor Johnson made reference to pages 32 and 33 of the Joyce Engineering preliminary report <br />and noted that landfilling is the most cost effective method for disposal of solid waste. <br />D. Whallen spoke about his disagreement with the process for siting the next landfill. He feels that <br />the County should have had a comprehensive solid waste management plan in place before looking for a <br />landfill site and that it is not too late to nail down a solid waste management plan and then determine how <br />large a conventional landfill is needed. He favors shipping out trash to other communities like Fayetteville_ <br />that are seeking additional business. <br />Alderman Gist said that she is opposed to shipping out of county and will continue to oppose this: ",,,, ` <br />She said that one of her problems with Site 17 is that it has an impact on people who are relatively <br />powerless, politically. <br />Council Member Franke feels that this forum and all the other steps required before a decision is <br />made is a sign that the governing boards are committed to hearing all the possibilities before making the <br />best decision they can. <br />Alderman McDuffee feels that shipping the County's waste to Fayetteville has a lot of possibilities <br />since they have a plant that needs a large waste stream to process and make it efficient. <br />Commissioner Willhoit said that he feels they need to look at other altematves of disposal options. <br />With reference to the size of the proposed landfill, he noted that the criterion given.the Landfill Search <br />Committee was 300 acres. On the conceptual plans that the consultants came back with they had a <br />garbage fill area that was about 100 acres and then there was the construction and demolition landfill, <br />processing facility and all the other components. The modified plan recommended by the LOG would use <br />one of the techniques like piggy backing, where the next landfill would be placed on the side slope of the <br />existing one. <br />Eve Olive stated that this proposed landfill will be located near a school which is against state <br />regulations. Her fear is that the water in the wells at the Emerson Waldorf School will be contaminated in <br />the next 30 years. She expressed her concerns about air and water pollution affecting the children and <br />asked if a down wind health study will be done prior to placing another landfill at the present site. <br />Gayle Wilson noted he knows of no studies which have been done on this issue. <br />Commissioner Willhoit noted this will be an item that will be discussed as they move forward. <br />Chair Carey suggested moving on to the second topic and that additional comments be sent to the <br />LOG.