Orange County NC Website
25 <br />3. Economic Development Incentives/Tools. <br />Seek an amendment to the State Constitution that grants local governments additional <br />authority and tools that pertain to economic development, including Economic Development <br />Financing, in order to create jobs in North Carolina. <br />4. Funding Regional Commission. <br />- Seek legislation to maintain and expand the state's existing financial assistance to <br />regional Councils of Government. <br />- Support legislation that would allow the 17 Lead Regional Organizations to study <br />options that allow for greater regional cooperation through councils of <br />government. <br />5. Economic Development and Unemployment Rates. <br />Seek legislation establishing a mechanism that takes into account county unemployment rates <br />and change in unemployment rates in the application of state incentives for economic <br />development. <br />6. Local Governmental Retirement System Board of Trustees. <br />Seek legislation that increases local government representation and specifies that these <br />additional representatives must be members of the system. Current law established an <br />oversight boards -one for the Teacher and State Employees' Retirement System (14 <br />members) and one for Local Government Employees' Retirement System (3 members) - in <br />which the State Board votes with the Local Board on issues affecting the Local Government <br />Employees' Retirement System.- Seek legislation that restricts the opportunity for elected <br />officials and legislative bodies to withdraw or sequester funds specifically designated for <br />the Retirement Systems. <br />7. Water Quality/Supply and Infrastructure. <br />- Seek legislation to provide financial resources and local regulatory control to satisfy <br />regional water quality/supply planning needs, along with the resources necessary to <br />meet environmentally sound water and sewer infrastructure needs. <br />Seek legislation that provides additional funding for the Clean Water Management <br />Trust Fund and the N.C. Rural Center. <br />- Seek Legislation to provide financial incentives to encourage the retrofitting of <br />facilities to diminish the use of water <br />- Seek legislation to establish an authority at the State level to coordinate the use of <br />water resources, the protection of water resources, and a regional and state-wide <br />emergency water resource coordination system <br />8. Economic Development and Growth Management Strategy. <br />- Seek legislation to clarify the ability of counties through their zoning powers to <br />implement "smart growth" strategies; including the ability to transfer density credits <br />or severable development rights and inclusionary zoning requirements for affordable <br />housing. <br />- Support legislation providing for State funding of affordable housing, environmental <br />programs, acquisition of open space, farmland preservation, rural economic <br />development, and economic development incentives. <br />25 <br />