Orange County NC Website
23 <br />EXHIBIT E <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners expresses its general support for the North <br />Carolina Association of County Commissioners (NCACC) 2003-2004 Legislative Goals as <br />detailed below. In some instances, Orange County has not included some NCACC goals <br />below due to various concerns. In other instances, Orange County may have for various <br />reasons deleted some language that was originally part of an NCACC goal. And in some <br />cases, additional explanatory language has been included to further detail Orange <br />County's position on a particular matter. Any additional language included by Orange <br />County is shown in Bold Italic. <br />NCACC LEGISLATIVE GOALS 2003-2004 <br />(As Modified by Orange County) <br />Human Resources <br />1. Medicaid Relief <br />Seek legislation to implement a 6-year phase out of county participation in the costs of <br />Medicaid, beginning with a cap at current costs in the year 2003. (Legislative Goals <br />Committee Priority #1) <br />2. Long-term Care <br />Seek legislation to improve the long-term care system in North Carolina by: <br />- providing incentives for the employment of direct care givers, <br />- providing income tax incentives for in-home services provided for family <br />members. <br />- funding comprehensive long-term care planning at the county or regional level, <br />- expanding community alternatives for disabled adults, and <br />- increasing funds for Senior Centers. (Legislative Goals Committee Priority #6) <br />- reducing the federal, state and local incentives to institutional care <br />3. Latino Issues <br />Seek legislation to create a Study Commission that includes state and county officials to <br />undertake a comprehensive study of issues affecting North Carolina's Latino population; <br />including, but not limited to, health care and education. <br />4. Mental Health Services <br />Seek legislation authorizing county commissioners to determine the appropriate local mix of <br />public and private providers for those in need of mental health, developmental disabilities <br />and substance abuse services. <br />5. State Health Program Mandates <br />Seek legislation to eliminate unfunded state health program mandates. <br />23 <br />