Orange County NC Website
EKNIQI7 D <br />ORANGE COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE 22 <br />AN QRDINANCE 70 PROVIDE FOR ANIMAL CONTROL AND <br />PROTECTION IN GRAN°+GE COUNTY, NORTH CARDLfN~4 <br />Please~'note that the fotiawing: sec.#ions from the' Oran ~e Cn:un: Animal <br />Ordinance. regarding cruel ~ .,to-anir~ais were ;~ in `~Ip ace liecaus~e~a~ th`e <br />inadequacy `of the NCGS to rp ;°vide' o#.a.riiirrals. jThe~ <br />definitions on this page support tlie~taw which is printed on the following p~a,ge.) <br />p.4: Section VI(-Definitions <br />1. Adequate Food: The provision at suitable intervals, not to exceed 24 <br />hours, of a quantity of wholesome foodstuff suitable for the species and <br />age, sufficient to maintain a reasonable level of nutrition in each animal. , <br />Such foodstuff shall be served~rin a receptacle, dish, or co°ntainer that is <br />physically clean and iri which agen#s injurious to health have been <br />removed or destroyed to a practical minimum. -• <br />2. Adequate Shelter: That steelier which will keep anon-aquatic animal dry; <br />out of the direct path of winds and out of the direct sun, at a temperature <br />at a level that is healthful for the animal, wl~rich animal containment area <br />shall be free of accumulated waste and~~febris so that the animal steal! be <br />free to walk or lie down without coming in contact with any such waste or <br />debris, and a suitable method of draining shall be pro~rided to eliminate <br />rapidly excess water or moisture. Aquatic orsemi-aquatic animals shall <br />have an adequate amount of clean water in v~rhich to move. ~ <br />3. Adequate Water: A constant access to a supply of clean, fresh water <br />provided in a sanitary manner. <br />4. Animal: Any live, vertebrate creature specifically includii}g but not lim'sted <br />to -dogs, cats, farm animals; birds, fish grid reptiles. <br />11. Cruel and Cruel Treatment: Every act, omission, or neglect whereby <br />unjustifiable physical pain, suffering, or death is caused or permitted, <br />such acts or omissions shall include, but not limited to, beating, kicking, <br />hanging, submerge under water, suffocating, poisoning, setting on dire, <br />and depriving of food, water, and medical treatment, or otherwise <br />subjecting the animal to conditions detrimental to its health or general <br />welfare. Such terms, however, shall not be construed to include lawful <br />taking of animals under the jurisdiction and regulation of the Wildlife <br />Resources Commission, lawful activities sponsored by agencies <br />conducting biomedical research or training, lau+ful activities fior sport. <br />