RES-2004-018 Resolution Regarding Orange County's 2004 Legislative Agenda
Board of County Commissioners
RES-2004-018 Resolution Regarding Orange County's 2004 Legislative Agenda
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Last modified
4/18/2011 4:01:33 PM
Creation date
1/31/2011 4:41:17 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 03-16-2004-7a
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2000's\2004\Agenda - 03-16-2004
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20 <br />North Carolina Coalition for <br />Privatization of Wastewater Evaluations <br />P.O. Bog 2522 <br />Wilmington, NC 28402 <br />910-452-0001 <br />The North Carolina Coalition for Privatization of Wastewater Evaluations (NCCPWE) represents the diverse companies, <br />organizations, and persons in NC that believe that the role of the licensed soil scientist in evaluating land for development in <br />NC can be expanded so as to protect public health. <br />Specifically, the North Carolina Coalition for Privatization of Wastewater Evaluations is seeking the following legislative <br />initiatives out of the 2003 and 2004 General Assembly: <br />1) Allow for a licensed soil scientist and certified site evaluator to submit soil and site suitability information to the <br />local health department as part of a completed wastewater permit application package. The local health department <br />would be able to issue a wastewater permit based upon this packet of information with little or no field review. <br />The proposed legislation would create a system by which the health department could spot check these proposals <br />prepared by the private sector, but the local health department would not have to perform a duplicate evaluation <br />and may issue wastewater permits with no evaluation. A time trigger would be utilized to create a deadline by <br />which the health department would have to issue a permit or notify the licensed soil scientist and certified site <br />evaluator of any deficiencies in their proposal. <br />2) Create a certification program for those persons using soils information to propose a wastewater system. The <br />"certified site evaluator" would be allowed to collect site information necessary to complete a wastewater system <br />proposal. A certified site evaluator would not be allowed to perform acts of soil science unless the site evaluator is <br />also a licensed soil scientist in accordance with G.S. 89F. An engineer or other professional that wanted to be <br />involved in small wastewater system proposals would be welcome to become certified through this program. The <br />advantage of certification is that a certified site evaluator could submit a proposal for a wastewater system to a <br />local health department and the local health department could issue a permit with minimal or no review based upon <br />the certified site evaluator's work and introduce a method by which site evaluators can be held accountable for <br />their decisions. <br />3) Require that all lands that are subject to local subdivision approval that do not have access to a public sewer system <br />must be evaluated by a licensed soil scientist prior to recordation with the county register of deeds. Involving the <br />soil scientist at the beginning of a proposed development will assist the developer in making the most out of the <br />proposed development within the parameters of the soils available and will assist the local health department by <br />filtering out unsuitable properties from being proposed for development prior to the permit application stage. <br />In order to assist in these goals, the NCCPWE needs your help. NCCPWE needs you to perform the following actions: <br />1) Contact your Senator or Representative and support these initiatives. <br />2) Be available to testify before the House or Senate in order to discuss how these initiatives will improve the <br />wastewater permitting process in NC without compromising public health. <br />3) Write a check to NCCPWE in order to help pay for attorney's fees and legislative consultants*. <br />* The purpose of the financial account for NCCPWE is to collect funds to pay fees associated with promoting this <br />legislation. Records of contributions will be kept. In the event that the funds collected exceed the legal fees incurred, the <br />excess monies will be refunded pro-rata. No administrative costs will be incurred, except for the cost of checks and deposit <br />slips and. other office supplies necessary to deposit funds and pay bills. <br />
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