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Commissioner Gordon asked about the county line with Alamance. <br />Geof Gledhill encouraged the Board to proceed with establishing the line with Person and <br />Caswell Counties even if Alamance does not want to be included. He will call Caswell to see if they have <br />any objection to moving forward on this local legislation. <br />Chair Carey asked about the reforestation and what is happening in surrounding states. <br />He was told that Fletcher Barber, Cooperative Extension Director and the Department of Soil <br />Conservation are working on this. <br />F. JAILICOURTHOUSE PROJECT - REJECTION OF BIDS <br />Purchasing Director Pam Jones summarized the information distributed for this item. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Crowther, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the administration recommendation to reject all bids received on August 28, 1995 for the <br />construction of the Jail/Courthouse Project including the bids for renovations/painting of the Old <br />Courthouse. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />X. REPORTS <br />A. PRESENTATION OF THE 1996-2006 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN <br />John Link made reference to the material that was distributed. He summarized the <br />highlights of major changes including (1) private placement funding for two new elementary schools (one <br />each system) and an addition to the new East Chapel Hill High School, (2) major addition to Orange High <br />School, (3) lease or purchase payments for the Skills Development Center and (4) continued emphasis <br />on automation. He proposed that a public hearing be held on April 16 and further discussion by the <br />Board take place on May 1. <br />The Board asked for a copy of the Ray Taylor report on school population projections <br />which will be provided prior to the public hearing. They agreed to proceed with the schedule as outlined <br />above by the County Manager. John Link will ask each School Board to bring the student projection <br />figures they are using to the April 16 meeting. <br />B. EMS SERVICE DELIVERY AND FINANCING PROPOSAL <br />Rod Visser made this presentation. The Board received a report on proposed changes to <br />the delivery and financing of Emergency Medical Service in Orange County. This proposal was in the <br />agenda materials. In summary, the report outlines the specifics of the EMS Resource Subcommittee's <br />recommendations, as modified by the full EMS Advisory Council at their meeting on March 27, 1996. <br />Key components include: provision of all initial responses to 911 EMS calls by County paramedics in <br />initial response vehicles; provision of all emergency ambulance service by South Orange and Orange <br />County Rescue Squads; and financing through a special district tax, broad fee for service, or some <br />combination of both. <br />Chair Carey commended the members of these committees for reaching a consensus and <br />voiced his support for the service delivery model. He feels the volunteers are important as well as the <br />spirit of their effort to help their community and that whatever is done should enhance and improve the <br />skills of the volunteers who will always be needed. Commissioner Crowther also endorsed the service <br />delivery model. <br />Chair Carey asked for additional information on collection when it is appropriate. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Willhoit, Rod Visser said that the estimated <br />total cost of the service delivery model is $1.8 million which is the worst case scenario. Commissioner <br />Willhoit asked what happens with the surplus funds or if expenses would increase and why fund it <br />entirely from the general fund. He would like to separate the financing part from the service delivery part <br />and during budget deliberations discuss the transition phase of this process. <br />After a brief discussion, it was decided that the Board would discuss further the issue of <br />whether or not to charge insurance companies and set up a mechanism for collection. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner Crowther to <br />receive the report, endorse the service delivery model and reject financing option #1 which was based on <br />a combination of elective memberships and fee for service. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS