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A motion was made by Commissioner Crowther, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the Recreation and Parks recommendation and the Administration recommendation which is to <br />approve that the payment-in-lieu be set at $422 per lot for subdivisions within a community park service <br />area and $455 per lot for subdivisions located within a district park service area and that the land <br />dedication required be set at 1157th of an acre. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />D. SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS -- TEXT AMENDMENT FLEXIBLE DEVELOPMENT <br />PROPOSAL <br />Planning Director Marvin Collins said that this discussion is a continuation of the March 21 <br />work session. The design manual will be ready for consideration of approval at the Board's May 14 <br />Board meeting. If there are additional comments, they will be considered in the final version. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Willhoit, Marvin Collins indicated that Open <br />Space percentages were not related to the goals for flexible optional development. <br />With regard to groundwater concerns expressed by Commissioner Gordon, Marvin <br />Collins indicated that these concerns could be addressed partially by the groundwater report being <br />prepared by the USGS and also with the first plan because it provides the test case and the current <br />"health-safety-welfare" clause provides the basis for how the County deals with those issues. <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested a phased in approach which would avoid these <br />concerns. <br />Commissioner Willhoit asked that staff evaluate whether the County has the ability to turn <br />down a proposal based on the availability of groundwater. <br />Commissioner Crowther made reference to the notice for the public information meetings <br />and asked that some wording changes be made so that it becomes a "neighbor" information meeting. <br />Marvin Collins indicated that the definition for Affordable Housing is "at or below 80% of <br />the median family income". He said that the results of a small area planning process can add to or take <br />away from the Flexible Development approach through a zoning overlay approach if the area residents <br />wish to do so. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she feels that allowing more than 25 lots to be served by <br />a private road is excessive, particularly when no justification is required as is now for conventional <br />subdivisions. Also she feels that the right-of-way should not be counted as part of the lot size and should <br />be consistent for all types of developments. <br />With regard to a question about expedited review, Collins said that there seems to be a <br />reluctance on the part of the Planning Board and Commissioners to give staff this option. Staff approval <br />is what the developers want, not expedited review that still requires Planning Board and Commissioners <br />approval. <br />Commissioner Crowther asked if there was ever any intent to establish a threshold based <br />on acreage rather than major-minor subdivision split and if a 15-acre threshold could be established. <br />Collins said that using 15 acres as a threshold creates a dilemma because 15 acres (or lots) is about the <br />average size subdivision in the County. The dilemma is that a large number of lots would be excluded <br />from even considering open space plans through such a threshold. Because properties change so <br />dramatically from one to the next, there is an uncertainty as to the results. That uncertainty is why the <br />one year evaluation period and the evaluation of each project is so important - to determine whether the <br />approach will be used and what needs to be changed. <br />Collins confirmed that the number of perc sites as determined by the use of individual <br />systems and wells; e.g., the yield plan, determines the number of lots, and the use of alternative systems <br />is limited by that number. <br />The Board decided that instead of making a decision on each issue, that staff would <br />provide a list with recommendations for the County Commissioners to consider at their May 1, 1996 <br />meeting. <br />E. PROCESS FOR DEVELOPING 1996-2006 GENERAL ASSEMBLY LEGISLATIVE <br />AGENDA <br />John Link summarized the material in the abstract. All bills must be submitted to the Bill <br />Drafting Section by May 22 and must be introduced in either the House or Senate by May 29.