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B. CONTRACT - ORANGE COUNTY SPEEDWAY <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Gordon, EMS Administrative Director Janette <br />Smith indicated that the $12,500 contract amount covers all expenses. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Crowther, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve a contract between Orange County Speedway and Orange County Department of Emergency <br />Management to provide medical coverage for events and races held at the Speedway and authorize the <br />Chair to sign on behalf of the Board, subject to review by the County Attorney. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />IX. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br />A. PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT -ARTICLE 6.23.11 <br />WATERSHED PROTECTION OVERLAY DISTRICTS <br />Planner Jim Hinkley summarized this item. This proposed amendment would authorize <br />the Board of Adjustment to grant variances to allow the use of septic easements in watersupply <br />watersheds for lots created before January 1, 1994. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Crowther, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve this amendment for lots created before January 1, 1994. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />B. Z-1-96 SCHLEY COMMUNITY STORE AND FLEA MARKET -ZONING ATLAS <br />AMENDMENT <br />Planner Jim Hinkley presented information about the community store which has been in <br />operation for 30 years. This request is for a rezoning from AR Agricultural Residential to EC-5 Existing <br />Commercial. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Crowther, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the rezoning for a .82 acre lot from AR to EC-5 in Cedar Grove Township. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />C. SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS TEXT AMENDMENT - DEDICATION - PAYMENT-IN- <br />LIEU <br />Planning Director Marvin Collins presented for the Board's consideration proposed <br />amendments to the dedication/payment-in-lieu provisions of the Orange County Subdivision Regulations. <br />The specific proposal is to amend Section IV-B-7-b, Recreation Sites, of the Subdivision Regulations to <br />substitute a payment-in-lieu based on the cost of land and facilities associated with implementing a <br />system of community and district parks. Currently, the payment-in-lieu includes only the value of land, <br />and is based on the assessed value listed in the Orange County Tax Office. The average payment-in- <br />lieu per household is presently $76. Under the proposed system, the payment-in-lieu would not exceed <br />$455 per household. In addition to the payment-in-lieu, a change in the amount of land which must be <br />dedicated for recreation sites is also proposed as outlined in the agenda. <br />The Recreation & Parks Advisory Council recommends the service area approach. They <br />also recommend that the land dedication requirement be set no lower than 1/57th of an acre per lot. The <br />Planning Board voted 8-2 to table this item. They felt that if the payment-in-lieu proposal was to be an <br />"interim" payment until the Master Recreation Plan was updated, it would be better to wait until the <br />update was accomplished. The Administration recommends that the payment-in-lieu be set no higher <br />than $455 per dwelling lot and that the land dedication required be set no lower than 1/57th of an acre. <br />Marvin Collins explained the rationale for reducing the acreage from 1/35 of an acre to <br />1/57 of an acre. He said that when the payment-in-lieu was considered in the late 80's the County did <br />not have a master recreation and parks plan. They used standards put out by the National Recreation <br />and Parks Association which set the acreage at 1/35 of an acre. When the Recreation and Parks Plan <br />was done and adopted by the Board, two kinds of parks were included - community parks and district <br />parks. When these standards are combined, it comes out to 1/57 of an acre. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Gordon about updating the fees, Marvin <br />Collins indicated that these can be reviewed as part of the budget process.