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WHEREAS, April 21-27 has been proclaimed as National Infant Immunization Week; and <br />WHEREAS, during National Infant Immunization Week all immunization providers are encouraged to <br />work with their communities to vaccinate children by expanding clinic hours, increasing screening, and <br />distributing educational materials; and <br />WHEREAS, more than one-third of North Carolina two year olds are not age-appropriately immunized; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, North Carolina's goal is to achieve complete immunization of at least 90% of all North <br />Carolina children by their second birthday; and <br />WHEREAS, in an effort to increase the immunization rate in Orange County, the Cooperative Extension <br />Service has organized the Orange County Coalition for Immunization, a group comprised of <br />representatives of public and private agencies, civic, community and church groups, and volunteers; and <br />WHEREAS, the mission of the Orange County Coalition for Immunization is to coordinate and promote <br />free immunization clinics through Piedmont Health Services, Chapel Hill Home Health, and Orange <br />County Health Department, by providing financial assistance, outreach, transportation, and educational <br />efforts during National Infant Immunization Week April 21-27; and <br />WHEREAS, the continuing goal of the Orange County Coalition for Immunization is to develop <br />strategies for the year-round promotion of age-appropriate immunizations; and <br />WHEREAS, it is essential to raise public awareness of the importance of age-appropriate immunizations <br />and provide accessibility to immunizations through a collaborative community-based effort. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, We, the Orange County Board of Commissioners, do hereby proclaim April 21-27 <br />as Orange County Infant immunization Week, this the 1st day of April, 1996. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />D. PROCLAMATION OF FAIR HOUSING MONTH IN ORANGE COUNTY <br />Emily Condon, member of the Human Rights Commission, presented this proclamation for <br />the Board's consideration of approval. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Crowther, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />adopt the proclamation as presented and stated below: <br />FAIR HOUSING MONTH <br />WHEREAS, April, 1996 marks the twenty-eighth anniversary of Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, <br />the Federal Fair Housing Act, which provided for equal opportunity for all Americans in the sale, rental <br />and financing of housing and prohibited housing discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, <br />age or national origin; and <br />WHEREAS, the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 added familial status and handicap to those <br />classes protected by Title VII and added strong new rights, remedies, monetary penalties and judicial <br />and administrative enforcement procedures; and <br />WHEREAS, numerous studies have shown that housing discrimination is as pervasive, if not more so, <br />than in 1968, and far more insidious than ever before; and <br />WHEREAS, illegal barriers to equal opportunity in housing that diminish the rights of some of our <br />citizens, diminish the rights of all; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, do we the Commissioners of Orange County, proclaim the month of April, 1996 as <br />FAIR HOUSING MONTH and commend this observance to all Orange County citizens. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />VI. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - NONE <br />VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />A. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER LEASING THE GEORGIA PACIFIC BUILDING <br />Ted Abernathy, Director of Economic Development, made the presentation. He said <br />that this public hearing is for the purpose of receiving public comment concerning a proposed lease of <br />the Georgia-Pacific facility on Valley Forge Road in Hillsborough. <br />NOTE: No comments were made. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Crowther, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the staff recommendation approving the lease with George Pacific contingent upon affirmative <br />findings that the proposal meets all required findings in the State Statutes 158-7.1 and Orange County <br />receiving a letter of confirmation from Georgia Pacific indicating their desire to not renew their option.