Orange County NC Website
1.0 INTRODUCTION: <br />Orange County is soliciting competitive sealed proposals from qualified auditors to provide an-audit <br />review of electric, water and gas utility billings for the County's Asset Management and Purchasing Services <br />Department to identify any errors in metering and billing. The County currently has 84 electric accounts, 35 water <br />accounts, 33 natural gas accounts, 3 propane accounts, and 1 fuel oil account. The County may expand the <br />Scope and Contract to include telecommunication bills at a later date. <br />The County will provide the selected proposer with approximately five (5) years of billing records relating to utility <br />accounts involved in the audit process. A representative from the County's Asset Management & Purchasing <br />Services will provide assistance to the auditor. As payment for services rendered the auditing firm shall receive a <br />percentage of any refunds received. <br />Signature on the Proposal Response Cover Sheet -Exhibit "A".acknowledges that the proposer is willing to <br />enter into the agreement if awarded the Agreement. Proposers are advised to read thoroughly the Sample <br />agreement as the selected proposer will be required to comply with its requirements. <br />The selected proposer shall be required to enter into a written agreement in substantially the form as shown in the <br />attached Sample Agreement -Exhibit "B" which shall be the basic form used to develop the final agreement. <br />2.0 PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL -REQUIRED CONTENT: <br />Each response to this RFP shall include the information described in this section. Failure to include all of the <br />elements specified may be cause for rejection of the proposal. Additional information may be provided, but should <br />be succinct and relevant to the goals of this RFP. Excessive information will not be considered favorably. All <br />documents shall be 8'/2 X 11 inches, or folded to such a size; and printed duplex on recycled paper <br />All proposals shall contain the following elements and in the order given: <br />2.1 Proposal Response Cover Letter, with the following information: <br />A. Name and Mailing Address of Firm (include physical location if mailing <br />address is a P.O. Box. <br />8. Contact Person, Telephone number and fax number. <br />C. All proposals may be considered public information. Subsequent to <br />award of this RFP, all or part of any proposal may be released to any <br />person or firm who may request it. Therefore, proposers may request in <br />their Cover Letter if any portion of their submittal should be treated as <br />proprietary and not released as public information. However, proposers <br />should be aware that all such requests may be subject to legal review and <br />challenge. <br />2.2 Signatory Requirements. <br />The Cover Letter must be signed by an officer empowered by the Consultant to sign <br />such material and thereby commit the Consultant to the obligations contained in the RFP <br />response. Further, the signing and submission of a response shall indicate the <br />intention of the proposer to adhere to the provisions described in this RFP and a <br />commitment to enter into a binding Agreement. Therefore the Cover Letter must be <br />signed in accordance with the following provisions: <br />2.0 PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL -REQUIRED CONTENT: (continued) <br />If the response is submitted on behalf of a Partnership, the Cover Letter shall be signed <br />in the firm name by a partner or the Attorney-In-Fact. If signed by the Attorney-In-Fact, <br />there shall be attached to the proposal aPower-Of-Attorney evidencing authority to sign <br />proposals, dated the same date as the proposal and executed by all partners of the firm. <br />