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The Board approved the petition from NCDOT for approval of the addition of Tallyho Trail, Kit <br />Lane, Reynard Road, Brace Lane, North Hound Court, South Hound Court and Salem Lane in Chapel Hill <br />Township to the State-maintained Secondary Road System. <br />D. BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT #5 <br />The Board adopted the capital project ordinances as stated below appropriating impact fees <br />for renovations of Hillsborough Elementary School: <br />Source - Transfer from General Fund (1995-96) <br />Appropriation - A. L. Stanback Renovations <br />Transfer to Hillsborough Elementary School <br />SCHOOLS <br />$ 50,000 <br />$ 50,000 <br />($50,000) <br />(NEW) ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - HILLSBOROUGH ELEMENTARY - ORANGE COUNTY <br />Source - Transfer from Impact Fees Fund (1995-96) $ 423,750 <br />Source - Transfer from A. L. Stanback Renovation (1995-96) 50,000 <br />Appropriation - New Elementary School $ 473,750 <br />VOTE ON THE CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br />IX. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br />A. LEASE APPROVAL - 503 WEST FRANKLIN STREET <br />At the February 20, 1996 Commissioners meeting, the Board requested information regarding <br />proposed programming for the Skill Development Center. John Link indicated that the agenda abstract <br />describes the programs, number of staff by agency, projected number of clients and funding contributions. <br />The Board also authorized the Staff to pursue other options which might reduce the overall <br />County cost. It has been determined by staff that one such option appears to be outright acquisition of the <br />facility. <br />It was the consensus of the Board to defer action on this item until after the closed session. <br />X. REPORTS <br />A. ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT <br />Randy Brantley, Chair of the Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee, summarized <br />the information in the agenda. The members of this committee donated over 450 volunteers hours and <br />traveled over 1458 miles. The Committee worked on a local level and state level. The Regional J. <br />Ombudsman Program and Governor and Mrs. Hunt gave a volunteer recognition reception at the Governor's <br />Mansion in June. The Committee was recognized for the commitment of their members and caring service <br />on behalf of long term care residents in Orange County. The Chair received special recognition for <br />outstanding advocacy efforts for his work on behalf of all North Carolina Domiciliary Home Residents. <br />B. RESTORATION OF THE NORWOOD-JONES LAW OFFICE <br />The Board received a report on the condition of the Norwood-Jones Office, a historic building <br />located on the corner of Margaret Lane and Court Street in Hillsborough and owned by the County. <br />Members of the Preservation Fund of Hillsborough, Inc. asked that the Board give them <br />permission to restore the building and that together they establish a time frame in which the County and <br />Preservation Fund can work together on this worthy venture. They want to restore the building and open it to <br />the public. They estimate the cost of restoring this structure at $30,000 to $40,000. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Crowther, seconded by Commissioner Willhoit to <br />receive the report, approve proceeding and bring back a plan of action. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />C. FY-1996-97 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS GOALS <br />John Link presented for Board discussion the 1996-97 goals. He suggested holding a public <br />hearing in April and adopting the goals the first meeting in May.