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VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />VI. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - NONE <br />VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />A. ORANGE COUNTY CONSOLIDATED PLAN FOR HOUSING AND COMMUNITY <br />DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS <br />Housing and Community Development Director Tara Fikes presented for public comments the <br />1995 Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development Programs in Orange County and proposed <br />uses of 1996-97 HOME funds. This public hearing provides an opportunity for citizens and public agencies to <br />provide input into the plan. <br />PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPEN FOR CITIZEN COMMENTS <br />Donna Bryant, OPC Mental Health Center, asked for support for a group home in Roxboro. She <br />works with homeless people who are living on the street. Some are suffering from mental illness and <br />substance abuse and would greatly benefit from a group home setting. <br />Pat Connally, OPC Mental Health, clarified that she and Donna are asking for home funds for people <br />with special needs. In particular, they wish to serve the people who are severely and persistently mentally ill <br />and rely on social security for their only income. Because of this income level, people must depend on others <br />for a place to live or become homeless or placed in rest homes and hospitals. Many people stay in rest homes <br />and hospitals longer than they need to only because they have no place to go. The availability of affordable <br />and permanent housing linked with support services has been demonstrated to be cost effective resulting in <br />reduced number of hospital days and emergency resources. She is asking for $200,000 so they can <br />purchase 5 two bedroom condominiums for people who are mentally ill or have other disabilities. <br />Mr. Ed Hudgins talked about housing for the mentally ill. He asked that the mentally ill people not be <br />forgotten. He was diagnosed with mental illness in 1979. From then until now he has been homeless or lived <br />in the shelter, state hospitals, slept in his car or stayed in rooms in boarding houses. Now he lives in a 2- <br />bedroom apartment which is the nicest place he has ever stayed. He has lived in this apartment for six years <br />and has only been hospitalized twice in the last seven years. <br />Trish Hussey, Director of Freedom House Recovery Center, asked for support to build 2 houses plus <br />a community education building. She is requesting $336,000 from the Home funds and $66,000 from the <br />Criminal Justice Partnership Act. She noted that 10,000 residents are suffering from substance abuse. <br />Peter Langum talked about the need for affordable housing as a big scale project. He feels that the <br />UNC Hospital and other companies/businesses in the area should help in this endeavor. <br />Chair Carey noted that there is a group effort to use some of the Horace Williams tract for housing. <br />With no further comments, the public hearing was closed. <br />Tara Fikes said that there will be $500,000 available. Followup will be a plan to come back to the <br />Board of County Commissioners the first meeting in May. <br />B. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM <br />Tara Fikes presented for citizen comments a FY1996 Community Development Block Grant <br />Program Application in the Housing Development category. The proposed project will provide the necessary <br />street, water and sewer improvements for nine lots. Habitat for Humanity plans to build five single-family <br />homes in Efland. The total anticipated cost is approximately $145,750. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPEN FOR CITIZEN COMMENTS <br />Susan Levy spoke in support of this proposal. By receiving this grant, they will be able to sell the <br />homes for $46,000 to $52,000 which means that these homes will be affordable to lower income families. <br />They feel they are serving the citizens who have the greatest need. <br />Ketih Cook spoke in support of this request. He noted that the County needs this type of housing <br />very much. <br />With no further comments, the public hearing was closed.