Orange County NC Website
Section 3: PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS <br />A. Goals and Obiectives <br />Please complete the following chart with information about the project's goals and objectives. Also, <br />please provide information on how these goals and objectives will be measured. Be as detailed and <br />specific as possible. <br />Goal/Objective <br />Ex: Provide housing for low- to moderate-income <br />households. <br />Measurement Tool <br />Ex: In 2012, build ten units that are affordable to <br />low-moderate income households. <br />B. Compliance with National Obiectives <br />If your agency is applying for CDBG funds, address which National Objective your project will be meeting <br />(an overview of the CDBG National Objectives can be found in Attachment 1.) <br />Page 6 of 19 <br />