Orange County NC Website
1994, the County was awarded a Survey and Planning Grant from the NC Department of <br />Cultural Resources for preparation of a Preservation Element of the Comprehensive Plan. In <br />October, 1994 The Jaeger Company (TJC) of Gainesville, Georgia was hired to help produce <br />this plan. During the initial phase of the Plan development, the consultants collected relevant <br />data on the history and prehistory of Orange County and examined the inventories of historic <br />architectural and archeological sites. They also assessed the threats and opportunities affecting <br />the county's cultural resources. In March, 1995, TJC staff met with the Planning Department <br />staff and members of citizen advisory groups, boards, and commissions to obtain input on the <br />status of historic preservation in Orange County. Three public meetings hosted by the Historic <br />Preservation Commission were conducted in early May to discuss the attitudes and concerns of <br />citizens related to historic preservation. Based on the issues that emerged during these <br />exchanges, the Goals and Objectives were proposed. If the Historic Preservation Element is <br />adopted, it becomes a part of the Comprehensive Plan. It would then be used to guide historic <br />preservation efforts in the future and to provide an overall program of work for the Historic <br />Preservation Commission and Planning Staff. <br />QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS FROM THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />None. <br />QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD <br />Renee Price asked what efforts had been made to include the African-American <br />community's history in this proposal. <br />Don Belk replied that the plan includes identification of local African-American cemeteries <br />which will be entered into the Geographic Information System. African-American archeological <br />sites are registered but not displayed because of concerns of vandalism. He indicated that one <br />information gathering tool used by the Planning Department was the compilation of a list of <br />organizations to be contacted for suggestions of sites to include. <br />QUESTIONS AND OR COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS <br />Todd Dickinson, Chair of the Historic Preservation Commission, thanked Don Belk for the <br />excellent job he did in compiling this document. In response to the question regarding minority <br />representation he indicated that this document includes only the unincorporated areas of the <br />county. Many of the sites representing minority populations are within the jurisdiction of the <br />municipalities. One example of that is the Hyconeechee area which is located within <br />Hillsborough's jurisdiction. The Historic Preservation Commission intends to build an <br />educational program that is focused on involving the community in this ongoing project. They <br />are committed to identifying and saving intact smaller structures. <br />Melinda Coleman, Preservation Planner with the Division of Archives & History, spoke in <br />support of this plan for which funds were awarded in 1994. The primary goal of the Division of <br />Archives & History's Preservation Program is to make historic preservation a part of local <br />planning by weaving it into the fabric of governmental decisions. This money was granted to <br />3