Orange County NC Website
6. DISCUSSION OF CHANGES IN THE DISTRIBUTION OF RECURRING CAPITAL <br />FUNDING <br />IN ANNUAL BUDGETS <br />Sally Kost explained the abstract dated October 17, 1995. There are two options listed. <br />One option would reallocate within the current budget of $1.5 million based on a per pupil basis. The <br />second option would also be based on per pupil basis with continued funding to Orange County Schools <br />of $750,000 and increased funding for Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School District. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she favors option #2. Her concern is where the additional <br />money will come from. <br />John Link indicated that the extra money will need to come from either the pay-as-you-go <br />funds or the sales tax. The sales tax revenue is the fastest growing for the school system. <br />Larry Haverland does not feel that $750,000 is enough for recurring capital. However, he <br />does not favor taking additional allocations from the property tax. He would rather it come from the sales <br />tax. He would like to talk further about their $750,000. <br />Commissioner Willhoit explained that the $750,000 would not be a cap. Orange County <br />Schools would increase at the time the number of students increased. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said he would like to know how this recurring capital is being used <br />for both school systems so he has a clear understanding of how the money is being spent. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if they could agree to allocate recurring capital on a per pupil <br />basis and determine which method to use at a later time. <br />It was decided that this item needs further study and they would get back together for <br />further discussion. <br />Everyone agreed that this was a good meeting and that progress was made. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />With no further items to discuss, Vice-Chair Stephen Halkiotis adjourned the meeting at 9:30 p.m. <br />The next regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners is scheduled for February 5, 1996 at the <br />Old Courthouse in Hillsborough, North Carolina at 7:30 p.m. <br />Stephen H. Halkiotis, Vice-Chair <br />Beverly A. Blythe, Clerk