ORD-2004-001 - Zoning Ordinance Amendment Article 6.18 & 8.8.17a-Telecommunications Towers & Equipment
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2000-2009
ORD-2004-001 - Zoning Ordinance Amendment Article 6.18 & 8.8.17a-Telecommunications Towers & Equipment
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Last modified
4/18/2011 8:43:39 AM
Creation date
1/27/2011 2:06:30 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Agenda - 02-03-2004-8i
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Ordinance as Approved by BOCC 16 <br />and publicly-owned orquasi-.public lands. In all cases, an interest in <br />allowing the placement of telecommunication equipment on the <br />property/properties shall have been expressed. In order to participate in <br />the MTP all owner(s), or their legally binding representatives, shall submit <br />an application on a form prepared by the Planning Department and meet <br />the following guidelines: <br />a) Information to be provided. All telecommunication <br />providers who elect to construct facilities on properties in <br />the Plan shall provide all necessary and requested <br />information to the County's telecommunications consultant. <br />b) Plan modification. After adoption of the initial Plan any <br />subsequent modification of the Plan may be considered <br />annually at the February Quarterly Public Hearing. Any <br />applicant requesting modification of the Plan shall make <br />application to the Zoning Officer on or before December <br />~5~' 1st of each year. The fee for modifying the Plan shall <br />be that as set forth in the Orange County Schedule of <br />Fees. <br />c) Withdrawal from the Plan. Withdrawal from the Plan is <br />permitted if any owner submits, to the Planning Director, a <br />notarized statement requesting withdrawal from the Plan. <br />Section 2: Amend. Section 8.8.17a to read as follows: <br />8.8.17a Telecommunication Towers <br />Amended <br />12/10/02 <br />T <br />Promoting and encouraging, wherever possible, alternatives to <br />constructing new towers, including but not limited to the co-location of <br />wireless telecommunications equipment and mitigating the visual effect of <br />a telecommunication tower to an extent not commercially impracticable; <br />promoting and encouraging, wherever possible, the placement, height <br />and quantity of wireless telecommunications towers and equipment in <br />such a manner, including but not limited to the use of stealth technology <br />or camouflage techniques, to minimize adverse- aesthetic and visual <br />impacts on the land, property, buildings, and other facilities adjacent to, <br />surrounding, and in generally the same area as the requested location of <br />such telecommunications towers, which shall mean using the least <br />visually and physically intrusive facility that is not technologically or <br />commercially impracticable under the facts and circumstances. <br />
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