Orange County NC Website
2005031?000086380 DEED <br />8k:R63693 Pg:319 <br />0311?12005 04 12:SOPf1 213 <br />iron stake; running thence North 81° 58' 41" West 34.69 feet to an <br />iron stake set in the center of Hope Creek; running thence with the <br />center of Hope Creek the following courses and distances: South 19° <br />58' 41" West 153.64 feet; South 14° 29' 25" West 97.19 feet; South <br />05° 18' 00" West 96.35 feet; South 09° 16' 32" West 138.77 feet; <br />South 04° 23' 32" East 79.75 feet; South 06° 44' 32" West 48.80 <br />feet; South 27° 51' 38" West 46.05 feet; South 15° 12' 32" East <br />99.53 feet and South 31° 20' 19" East 53.64 feet and being that <br />parcel shown as Parcel 3 containing 1.17 acres according to plat of <br />survey entitled "PUBLIC OPEN SPACE DEDICATION FOR: ORANGE COUNTY <br />AND HOPE CREEK SUBDIVISION" dated June 11, 2003 by Benton W. Dewar <br />& Associates, P.L.S. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid tract or parcel of land and <br />all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee <br />in fee simple. <br />And the Grantor covenant with the Grantee that the Grantor <br />are seized of the premises in fee simple, have the right to convey <br />the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear <br />of all encumbrances, and that the Grantor will warrant and defend <br />the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever <br />except for the exceptions, if any, set forth above. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor have hereunto set their hands <br />and seals, the day and year first above written. <br />,`, 0{11111 If iI/I', <br />Q~' ' ~ ~.~~ ,': HOPE CREEK LTD <br />_ ;' NpTAR~.~'; = (A NORTH CAROLINA CORPORATION) <br />~ ~., pV B 1.~G : ci i '7 <br />~': / (SEAL) <br />,,,'yy~~ COUN~o;~``` JO MARNE L PRESIDENT <br />/~~'I~rlu lll/+~~~ <br />STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />COUNTY OF (~~~~,(11~ r <br />I, ~e~2!!,~ J ~ !'~~ Notary Public of the aforesaid <br />County and Stat do hereby certify that JOHN MARNELL, PRESIDENT OF <br />HOPE CREEK LTD (A NORTH CAROLINA CORPORATION, with authority duly <br />given and as the act of such entity, he appeared before me this day <br />and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument in <br />its name on behalf as it acr and deed. <br />Wit ess my hand and <br />2005. <br />My commission expires:y~a~/~~ <br />~~~day o f <br />re\ocl5.gwd <br />