Minutes - 19951219
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19951219
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1/14/2015 8:51:52 AM
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Agenda - 12-19-1995
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1995\Agenda - 12-19-95
Agenda - 12-19-1995 - IX-A
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1995\Agenda - 12-19-95
Agenda - 12-19-1995 - IX-B
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1995\Agenda - 12-19-95
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Agenda - 12-19-1995 - VIII-A
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Agenda - 12-19-1995 - VIII-C
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<br />This item was removed from the Consent Agenda and considered below. <br />1. APPROVAL OF COUNTY TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT PLAN UPDATE <br />The Board approved and adopted the Orange County Transportation Development <br />Plan Update 1995-1996 and approved its submission to the N.C. Department of Transportation. <br />J. APPROVAL OF CONTRACT FOR ORANGE COUNTY ARCHITECTURAL <br />MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION/SURVEY COMPLETION <br />The Board approved the contract between Orange County and Mattson, Alexander <br />and Associates for preparation of a publication manuscript of the Orange County historic resources <br />inventory and completion of the architectural survey. <br />VOTE ON THE CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br />ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA <br />H. CLASSIFICATION PLAN AMENDMENT - DATA PROCESSING MANAGER <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if the job description for this position was being revised <br />for the recruitment process? <br />John Link indicated that a person with a variety of skills was being recruited. An <br />Assessment Panel composed of Department Heads and staff from the Association of County <br />Commissioners will handle the interview process. The staff at UNC's Data Process program will also <br />be asked for input in the process. He felt that the changes in the description of the job should be <br />reviewed after the person who is hired has been on the job for six months or so. <br />Don Willhoit mentioned that Keith Brooks had done an excellent job for the County. <br />He requested that there be a formal opportunity to express appreciation to him for a job well done. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Crowther, to <br />amend the Classification and Pay Plan by changing the class title of Data Processing Manager to <br />Information Systems Director. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />IX. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br />A. PINEY MOUNTAIN WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PROJECT <br />CLOSEOUT <br />This item was presented by County Engineer Paul Thames. He said that in order to <br />close out the County's role in the Piney Mountain subdivision waste treatment system project they <br />need to a) convey system ownership to OWASA; b) close out the County's Piney Mountain project <br />account and return all remaining funds to the Piney Mountain Homeowners Association; and c) join <br />in a declaration and release of restrictions on the Piney Mountain Homeowners Association-owned <br />portion of the abandoned wastewater treatment system so that the Association can dedicate all <br />acreage contained therein to Recreation/Open Space. He mentioned that OWASA has agreed to <br />accept this system. This report, dated December 14, 1995 is the in permanent agenda file in the <br />Clerk's office. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Crowther, to <br />adopt the resolution to convey system ownership to OWASA, return all funds remaining in the <br />County's Piney Mountain project account to the Homeowners Association and, together with the <br />Homeowners Association, declare the Homeowner Association-owned portions of the abandoned <br />wastewater treatment system property restricted as Recreation/Open Space for the use and <br />enjoyment of the residents of the Piney Mountain subdivision. (Copies of the Declaration of Release <br />and the Resolution Concluding Orange County's Role and Interest in the Development, Ownership
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