Orange County NC Website
that the UDO would provide " a more user-friendly, understandable document by incorporating <br /> all land use development regulations into a central document andeliminate inconsistencies <br /> among ordinances." <br /> For most, this seems like a housekeeping item, not a major change in policy and would not have <br /> solicited public interest. <br /> The article makes no mention of changes in the zoning process through the introduction <br /> of "conditional zoning districts" and <br /> "conditional uses". There is no mention of the Board's intention to <br /> eliminate the Special Use Permit which provides protection for the residents of Orange County . <br /> Given that the 800 page, updated document was only posted on the website in mid- <br /> November and that there has been very little notice or explanation given to the public through <br /> the newspapers, it seems that the County Commissioners should revise the current time line <br /> and offer the appropriate public hearings and opportunities for public input based on a more <br /> accurate description of the process that is unfolding. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Jeanne Brown <br /> 104 Beechridge Court <br /> Chapel Hill, NC 27517 <br /> From: Julie McClintock [mailto:mcclintock.julie] <br /> Sent: Monday, November 22, 2010 2:58 PM <br /> To: Valerie Foushee <br /> Subject: Land Use Ordinance <br /> Dear Valerie <br /> I understand that you will be discussing the Unified Development Ordinance tonight, November <br /> 22. <br /> With this document, the County is contemplating large changes in the zoning process and a <br /> scheduled vote in early December. <br /> I am involved in a group that encourages managed growth in Chapel Hill and we would be <br /> interested in providing comment to you after we have a chance to fully analyze the document. <br /> I request that you reconsider your schedule and provide more opportunities for public input. <br /> This input could take the form of several presentations in January with opportunities for <br /> questions and answer sessions in various parts of the County, as well as a public hearing at a <br /> time when people are not involved in celebrating a major holiday. <br /> One particular concern is the new conditional use zoning which can allow large development <br /> projects to pop us in areas that would be expensive to serve with urban services such as water <br /> and sewer. This type of zoning would be similar to a "floating zone" which could change <br /> precipitously well-established land use policies in disregard of the careful planning that the <br /> County has pursued for many years. <br /> Please alter your review schedule and allow maximum opportunities for public input. <br /> Thank you for considering this important issue. <br />