Orange County NC Website
would encourage this type of commercial development. She said that in Site Selection <br /> Magazine, North Carolina is nine times out of ten the top placement in the country for business. <br /> Ben Lloyd agreed with Kathleen Ferguson. He said that what is in the current rules is <br /> what bothers him, which are over-stringent regulations that have prevented any economic <br /> growth in Orange County. This has resulted in a property tax that is unbearable. Only 13-14% <br /> of the revenue comes from commercial or industrial development. There are lifetime residents <br /> leaving Orange County because they cannot afford to live here. There are three economic <br /> development districts that have been here for 19 years. He said that Orange County has <br /> created an anti-business image. He suggested that the boards scrutinize the document <br /> carefully, make any necessary changes, and then pass it. <br /> Desiree Goldman was speaking for two organizations. She spoke on behalf of Aaron <br /> Nelson with the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce. She said that the Chapel Hill- <br /> Carrboro Chamber of Commerce urges the County to move forward on the UDO as soon as <br /> possible. They see it as very important to economic development. As the Legislative Affairs <br /> Director for the Greater Chapel Hill Association of Realtors, she urged the County <br /> Commissioners to pass the UDO as soon as possible and to immediately initiate Phase II. She <br /> sees this as a way to creatively find ways to build in incentives for economic development. The <br /> process needs to be streamlined for economic development (reducing fees, etc.). Also the <br /> process needs to be clear and predictable. <br /> Dolly Hunter said that she has been an Orange County resident for the past 30 years <br /> and she has participated in the following: planning, Farmland Preservation Board, Rural <br /> Character Study, Cane Creek Reservoir Study, Economic Development Infrastructure <br /> Committee, and the design of the EDDs. For many years, she has done voluntary farmland <br /> preservation work for farmers. Recently, she was on the Orange County Comprehensive Plan <br /> Coalition following the Comprehensive Plan 2030 creation. Concerning this UDO, she knows of <br /> which she speaks and she said that it is good that the UDO combines the existing land use <br /> regulations and asks that the new revisions are flagged for more review. Secondly, the County <br /> needs to initiate Phase II. The existing land use regulations need to be redesigned to be fair, <br /> clear, and predictable. Concerning Phase II and the Comprehensive Plan, no part of small area <br /> plans should supersede what should be designed for the benefit of the entire County. She said <br /> that the Orange County UDO website states that, "Future UDO phases are expected to consist <br /> of additional changes to regulations and that the consultant will produce a list of potential phase <br /> work." She asked that the County Commissioners initiate a Phase II, but that it will strive to <br /> simplify the development regulations in order to encourage the creation of economic <br /> development with greater coherency in land policy. <br /> Pat Karom spoke for Darrell Chandler. <br /> Darrell Chandler <br /> 9925 NC Hwy 57 <br /> Rougemont, NC 27572 <br /> "I have been working on trying to have some type of commercial zoning for almost 7 <br /> years. The County put together a small area task force that I was a part of. We went over <br /> many issues and I thought we had come to a conclusion that the area around Orange County <br /> Speedway, Go-Kart track, Concrete Company, and the Quarry should be allowed to have some <br /> type of commercial use. It's gone on for weeks, months, and years and there has not been one <br /> thing done as far as getting something finalized. The County has spent a lot of taxpayer's <br /> money looking into this area and it is time to sign some conditional use into law. The parcel of <br /> land I own is 37 acres. My land is at the intersection of Mile Branch Rd. and NC Hwy. 57. <br /> Approximately 4 acres is adjacent to the concrete company with loud trucks coming and going <br /> all day. On the other side of the concrete company is the quarry with trucks coming and going <br />