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Commissioner Gordon said that the staff said that Conditional Use Districts do conform to the <br /> Planned Development process and she gave the citation 3.7.3 (b)(2). She said that what this actually <br /> says is, "shall conform to the applicable development regulations for the corresponding general use <br /> district." She wants to know if this means the same thing as what is stated for Planned <br /> Developments in Section 7.2.5 of the current ordinance, which says, "within the Planned <br /> Development District, only those uses authorized by Article 4, as permitted in the zoning district with <br /> which the PD corresponds shall be permitted and all other requirements of the corresponding district <br /> shall be met." She said that"all other requirements"sounds like standards, not uses. She wants to <br /> know if there are differences in what uses are allowed. <br /> Perdita Holtz said that`regulations" can include "uses" because the permitted use tables <br /> technically are regulations. She said that she could add the word to Section 3.7.3 to make it clear <br /> that it does mean "uses" as well. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that this clarification about uses should also be included in the <br /> section that is right before the permitted use table. That section on conditional uses states that any <br /> use on the Table of Permitted Uses is allowed except uses specifically excluded from consideration. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that since staff has referred to what was discussed at the dinner <br /> meeting as far as the schedule and since some people may be here to ask for more time, he <br /> suggested that one of the Chairs outline what was suggested about more time for people to review <br /> and comment on the document. <br /> Chair Foushee said that the Board of County Commissioners and the Planning Board had a <br /> dinner meeting earlier and the Planning Board had concerns about having more time to review this <br /> document. There was agreement that the timeline proposed be modified to give the Planning Board, <br /> the Towns, and the public more time to review this information or to receive a presentation from the <br /> planning staff without taking an excessive amount of time in getting back to the Board of County <br /> Commissioners. <br /> Brian Crawford said that at the next Planning Board meeting, they will review the comments <br /> raised tonight and will propose a new timeline in which to address further comments and to give the <br /> public more time to express their concerns, etc. This proposed timeline would be back to the Board <br /> of County Commissioners by its last meeting on December 14th <br /> Chair Foushee said that the County Commissioners do not want to rush this process, but <br /> they do want to do it as soon as possible so that it does not conflict with the budget negotiations. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> Kathleen Ferguson works with Quintiles in contracting and she is also Chair of the <br /> Orange County Economic Development Commission (EDC). She said that earlier this year, the <br /> EDC made a recommendation that Orange County complete all phases of the UDO within a <br /> timeframe that establishes confidence with investors and business owners. This is in the <br /> context of commercial development. Phase II has an end result of Orange County being <br /> comparable with the outside areas. She said that$1.9 billion of investment occurred in this <br /> region at the height of the great recession. In 2009, Orange County received nothing. Part of it <br /> is that Orange County needs to have a competitive permitting process that is streamlined and <br /> reduces cost and time that is 90 days or less, preferably 60 days or less. She also represents <br /> the 48% of Orange County residents who commute outside the County to work. She said that <br /> there are no opportunities within the County in the private sector for jobs. She would hate to <br /> see Orange County send a message that citizens must leave the County for work. She said <br /> that having a UDO that is user-friendly for business investors will help achieve economic <br /> development. She urged the Planning Board and the County Commissioners to look at what <br />