Orange County NC Website
� <br /> 1 6. Public Hearinqs-NONE <br /> 2 <br /> 3 7. Reqular Aqenda <br /> 4 <br /> 5 a. Oranqe County Schools Board of Education Resolution Reqardinq the <br /> 6 County's Capital Fundinq Policy and the Use of Lottery Funds <br /> 7 The Board considered approving a request from the Orange County Schools Board of <br /> 8 Education to dedicate Lottery proceeds to repay debt service and substitute general fund <br /> 9 revenues for Fiscal Year 2010-11 approved capital projects in order to expedite the process of <br /> 10 requesting lottery proceeds from the State and the contracting of approved capital projects. <br /> 11 Clarence Grier said that in October the Board approved this funding arrangement for <br /> 12 CHCCS, which allows them to use the lottery funds for debt service. <br /> 13 A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner <br /> 14 Pelissier to approve a request from the Orange County Schools Board of Education to <br /> 15 dedicate Lottery proceeds to repay debt service and substitute general fund revenues for <br /> 16 Fiscal Year 2010-11 approved capital projects in order to expedite the process of requesting <br /> 17 lottery proceeds from the State and the contracting of approved capital projects. <br /> 18 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 19 <br /> 20 b. Fairview Park— Draft Interlocal Aqreement with Town of Hillsborouqh <br /> 21 The Board considered a possible interlocal agreement with the Town of Hillsborough <br /> 22 regarding property exchanges, operations, and other issues at Fairview Park— including a <br /> 23 revised agreement from the Town of Hillsborough dated October 25, 2010. <br /> 24 Frank Clifton said that the Board approved an interlocal agreement and sent it to the <br /> 25 Town and the Town declined certain aspects of this agreement. He said that the County staff <br /> 26 worked with the Town staff to draft this agreement and he thought they were working under <br /> 27 the assumption that these issues had been worked out. Otherwise, the agreement is intact. <br /> 28 He said that it is important that if this park is going to open, that the other provisions of the <br /> 29 agreement are enacted and approved, including the transfer of properties and loaning entities. <br /> 30 He said that the Town has agreed to provide water and sewer services to the park. <br /> 31 Dave Stancil made reference to two handouts — buff and salmon — one is a copy of the <br /> 32 2004 Memorandum of Agreement from 11/2004. This was the original agreement that enabled <br /> 33 the creation of the Master Plan. Section three speaks to operation and maintenance <br /> 34 programming. He gave some history of the development of this park. The Town deleted some <br /> 35 of the provisions of the agreement: <br /> 36 - Section 2.a (the Town's $30,000 annual contribution to operating expenses) <br /> 37 - Section 3.b (Town police coordinated public safety response); and <br /> 38 - Section 4 (Periodic consideration of annexation of the park). <br /> 39 He made reference to the email from Mayor Tom Stevens, which outlines some <br /> 40 of the thought processes behind the Town's proposal. He said that there are still <br /> 41 pieces of this agreement that the Town will provide such as the land swap, the water <br /> 42 and sewer, the opening and closing of the gate, and trash pickup. The loss of the <br /> 43 $30,000 would have a serious impact on the County. <br /> 44 Commissioner Yuhasz made reference to paragraph three and Public Safety Coverage <br /> 45 and said that he does not see a difference between paragraph `a' and paragraph `b'. He <br /> 46 asked about the differences in these. <br /> 47 Dave Stancil said that the idea was that `b' was trying to note that the Town of <br /> 48 Hillsborough surrounds the park on three sides and it might make more sense for the Town <br /> 49 Police Department to take more of a role. <br />