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� <br /> 1 portion. That criterion could be waived in considering what recommendation for that agency to <br /> 2 bring forward for the Board. <br /> 3 Commissioner Jacobs suggested doing away with everything from "conversely" through <br /> 4 "JOCCA". <br /> 5 Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 7 and "Enables new initiative." He said <br /> 6 that this should just say, "i.e., the outside agency addresses unmet needs it perceives in the <br /> 7 County." Perhaps an existing agency might see a need and they change their mission. This <br /> 8 makes it sound like they would not be qualified in this case. He suggested taking out "a new <br /> 9 entry designed to...." <br /> 10 <br /> 11 PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> 12 Beverly Kennedy is the Executive Director of the Family Violence Prevention Center of <br /> 13 Orange County. She introduced Hudson Fuller, the Finance Manager. She said that they <br /> 14 consider themselves as partners with Orange County and Orange County is the only <br /> 15 population that the center serves. She said that she also hears that they should be working <br /> 16 towards having a shelter and providing other services, but there are no resources. She said <br /> 17 that she is not asking the County for funding. At this point, they do not know what direction to <br /> 18 take in their budget process and they would like to have a dialogue with the Board and other <br /> 19 human services agencies so that they can understand what is needed in Orange County and <br /> 20 will give them a more solid basis to use County money. <br /> 21 <br /> 22 A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> 23 to change the Financial Need item on page 6 to read, "i.e., the Outside Agency fulfills an <br /> 24 important mission but requires government assistance to accomplish its service goals <br /> 25 (example: OE Enterprises); and the outside agency has demonstrated a reliable, diverse <br /> 26 revenue stream of which governmental assistance is a small portion (example: Child Care <br /> 27 Services Association). Also, on page 7, "Enables new initiative" will read, "i.e., the Outside <br /> 28 Agency addresses unmet needs it perceives in the County." <br /> 29 Commissioner Gordon said that on the financial need item, everything from "conversely' <br /> 30 to the end should be deleted. Commissioner Jacobs said that he would be fine with this. <br /> 31 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Commissioner Gordon said that she did not know how to handle the sections with the <br /> 34 "yes" and "no." <br /> 35 Chair Foushee said to go to "Grounds for Funding Commitment." <br /> 36 Gwen Harvey said that the reason that it was drafted "yes" or"no" is because it is a <br /> 37 judgment call. <br /> 38 Commissioner Jacobs said to ask Gwen Harvey to come back with language to reflect <br /> 39 what she just said. <br /> 40 Commissioner Yuhasz said that his recollection was that the County Commissioners <br /> 41 wanted to move toward a zero-based approach. He thinks that any language that comes back <br /> 42 should emphasize that the zero-based approach is the default position and that only in <br /> 43 exceptional circumstances will the Board make a commitment to extend funding past one year. <br /> 44 <br /> 45 Frank Clifton said that staff could bring back some clarification on the changes that <br /> 46 were made. <br /> 47 <br />