Orange County NC Website
- Set of goals for countywide transit improvements <br /> - Rank the goals <br /> Step2. Prioritizing Bus Service Needs <br /> 5 Service Goals <br /> 50-point scale; each goal (at least 5, no more than 20 points) <br /> 1. Fill in gaps in existing service <br /> 2. Improve connectivity (county and region) <br /> 3. Maintain existing service <br /> 4. Improve weekend/night service (off peak) <br /> 5. Increase frequency in peak-hour high use corridors (work trips) <br /> Step 2. Prioritizing Bus Service Needs <br /> 5 overall Plan Emphasis Areas <br /> Rank on a 1 to 5 scale (1 – highest, most important goal) <br /> 1. Provide geographic equity/countywide service distribution (urban, rural, small towns) <br /> 2. Support improved capital facilities (pedestrian/bicycle connections, transfer facilities) <br /> 3. Provide positive impact on air quality <br /> 4. Improve mobility for transit dependent (senior, young, disabled, low-income, no car- <br /> ownership) <br /> 5. Support transit-supportive land use <br /> Assumption 3 <br /> Supporting Bus Operations <br /> •Use a portion of the vehicle registration fee funds to support the increasing cost of existing <br /> operations; <br /> •Cap the amount at a certain level; and <br /> •Capped amount is not to exceed the total annual amount generated by the vehicle <br /> registration fee ($1.1M). <br /> •Fare system <br /> Assumption 4 <br /> Phased in Local Contribution <br /> New Bus Service <br /> Sales tax Local <br /> Year 1 100% 0% <br /> Year 2 75% 25% <br /> Year 3 50% 50% <br /> Thereafter 50% 50% <br /> Assumption 5 <br /> Multi-County Bus Service <br /> •Cost-sharing method options: <br /> —by county (e.g. 33%, 33%, 33%) <br />