ORD-2011-004 Capital Projects Budget Ordinance Amendments – Budget Amendment #6-A
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2010-2019
ORD-2011-004 Capital Projects Budget Ordinance Amendments – Budget Amendment #6-A
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Last modified
3/12/2019 3:03:11 PM
Creation date
1/21/2011 4:16:16 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 01-20-2011 - 7c
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2011\Agenda - 01-20-2011
Minutes 01-20-2011
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L 7-- - <br />attached and hereby made a part of these minutes. This is a very large budget amendment of <br />$13,097,651. He said that there is no financial impact of this amendment. This is a correction <br />of prior years' double budgeting of three basic projects — Lands Legacy, Conservation <br />Easements, and Efland Sewer extension and development. There is background on each of <br />these three items in the abstract.. <br />Information given below contains staff responses to Commissioner Gordon and <br />Commissioner McKee's questions regarding this item. <br />Questions from Commissioner Gordon: <br />All, <br />Here are my initial comments and questions for Item 7 -c (County Capital Projects - Budget <br />Amendment #6 -A) with special attention to the Lands Legacy section of this item. My intent is <br />to make sure that we all agree on the basic information that is the foundation on which the <br />dollar amounts in this agenda item are based. After that is done, I may or may not need more <br />information. <br />A. General obligation bonds <br />My recollection concerning the 2001 "Parks and Open Space Bond" and the budget for the <br />"Lands Legacy Program" is different from some of the information shown in this agenda item. <br />For example, on page 3 of the agenda abstract it is stated that the <br />2001 bond referendum included $17,000,000 for Parks and Open Space. I have attached the <br />bond brochure which shows that the amount for Parks, Recreation and Open Space was <br />$20,000,000, not $17,000,000. Of that amount there was $13,000,000 for specific projects and <br />$7,000,000 for "Land Acquisition for Future Parks and Nature Preserves (Lands Legacy <br />Program)." See page 4 of the attachment. <br />My recollection of the 1997 bond` referendum is that it included $3 million for land acquisition <br />(Lands Legacy) and $3 million for parks projects. <br />My first request is that staff verify this information on the two bond referenda. What are the <br />correct amounts for the 1997 bond and the 2001 bond? <br />B. Lands Legacy budget <br />The next thing to do is to determine the correct amount for the 1997 bonds and the 2001 bonds <br />in the Lands Legacy Project Budget, and how those amounts were determined. <br />We should be clear about what is included in the Lands Legacy Program and what is not. For <br />example, on page 4 of the agenda abstract, it is stated that funding the following three projects <br />should have reduced the Lands Legacy project by $1,700,000: Homestead Aquatics, Cedar <br />Grove Park, Fairview Park. <br />According to my understanding, these three projects were to be funded from the $13 million <br />dedicated to specific projects and not from the <br />
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