ORD-2011-004 Capital Projects Budget Ordinance Amendments – Budget Amendment #6-A
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2010-2019
ORD-2011-004 Capital Projects Budget Ordinance Amendments – Budget Amendment #6-A
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Last modified
3/12/2019 3:03:11 PM
Creation date
1/21/2011 4:16:16 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 01-20-2011 - 7c
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7� <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the first page and the full red line about the <br />one million gallon per day allocation. He said that this is something that bothers him. He said <br />that Hillsborough did have an allocation and they decided that they did not want to pay for it and <br />gave it up. Orange County has been paying every year. He said that if this resolution is going <br />to say how much OWASA has paid, this resolution needs to say how much Orange County has <br />paid. He said that it seems that if the State has had the County paying all these years and then <br />there is a new plan with no payment, then he would like to get the money back. He would like <br />to ask for this money back in a separate resolution because it has had no bearing on an <br />allocation of water from Jordan Lake. He suggested that OWASA do the same thing. <br />Ed Kerwin said that during the last round of allocation, OWASA voluntarily asked to <br />reduce the allocation from 10 to 5 million gallons per day and the State did reimburse. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the point that Commissioner Gordon is making <br />and said that there is a context to this. This agreement was carefully crafted to balance <br />concerns of four governments and OWASA. He said that this is a very truncated version. He <br />urged staff to give more context, so that the Board is grounded with the right kind of <br />information. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she thinks that there is time to get it right. <br />Chair Pelissier asked when OWASA needed to have this done and when this is <br />scheduled to be considered by the Towns of Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and Hillsborough. <br />Frank Clifton said that Hillsborough will review it on January 24th. Craig Benedict said <br />that Chapel Hill and Carrboro bdttfT ave it scheduled within the next two weeks. <br />Commissioner Jacobs s6i6lhat'he does not think that Orange County needs permission <br />from Chapel Hill and Carrboro to apply for an allocation from Jordan Lake. <br />Ed Kerwin said that it is ridt'necessary to act tonight, but it is important to wrap this up <br />by the spring and absolutely before summer break. <br />Commissioner Yuhasz saidthat'the County Attorney has said that the language as <br />presented here would void all of the "boundary restrictions included in the rest of the agreement, <br />and he would like him to review the language to make sure that this is not done. He does not <br />want the flexibility of the languagelo void the rest of the agreement. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br />to refer this back to Manager /Attorney /relevant staff and the towns to provide a review of the <br />proposed language changes in the context of the entire agreement, give the pros and cons for <br />the proposed changes, and confer with the staff of the towns so as to craft language that takes <br />into account the input from the staff of the county and towns. The information will also include <br />how much money the County hat'spent to date on this. <br />Craig Benedict asked if thbr6 was intent to include Orange County and the Town of <br />Hillsborough in this agreement arid the Board said yes. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />c. County Capital Projects Budget Ordinance Amendments – Budget Amendment <br />— T� <br />#6 –A <br />The Board considered approving Budget Amendment #6 -A for $13,097, 651 for the <br />County Capital Projects Fund. The proposed correct project budgets for the Lands Legacy <br />(Attachment 1), Conservation Easements (Attachment 2), and Efland Sewer Development <br />(Attachment 3) are shown in the background section of the agenda materials. <br />Michael Talbert presented this item. He referred to the rose - colored handout which <br />pertains to this item. The last two pages the County Commissioners have not seen before. <br />Page 9 gives additional information describing how the proposed corrected budget figure of <br />$6, 010, 452 was derived for the Lands Legacy Project Budget. Page 10 gives a description of <br />the Lands Legacy Project Ordinance Duplicate Projects. The information on pages 9 and 10 is <br />
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