Orange County NC Website
b. Governmental and Private Nonprofit Providers of Nonemeroencv <br />Transportation. In addition to providing opportunities to participate in planning as described in <br />Subsection 9a of this Agreement, to the extent feasible the Contractor agrees to comply with the <br />provisions. of 49 U.S.C. § 5323(k), which afford governmental agencies and nonprofit <br />organizations that receive Federal assistance for nonemergency transportation from Federal <br />Government sources (other than U.S. DOT) an opportunity to be included in the design, <br />coordination, and planning of transportation services. <br />c. Infrastructure Investment. During the implementation of the Project, the <br />Contractor agrees to take into consideration the recommendations of Executive Order <br />No. 12803, "Infrastructure Privatization," 31 U.S.C. § 501 note, and Executive Order No. 12893, <br />"Principles for Federal Infrastructure Investments," 31 U.S.C. § 501 note. <br />Section 10. Preference for United States Products and Services. To the extent applicable, <br />the Contractor agrees to comply with U.S. domestic preference requirements. <br />Section 11. Procurement. To the extent applicable, the Contractor agrees to comply with <br />the following third party procurement provisions: <br />a. Federal and State Standards. The Contractor agrees to comply with the third <br />party procurement requirements of 49 U.S.C. chapter 53 and other applicable Federal laws in <br />effect now or as subsequently enacted; with U.S. DOT third party procurement regulations of 49 <br />C.F.R. §§ 18.36 other applicable Federal regulations pertaining to third party procurements and <br />subsequent amendments thereto, to the extent those regulations are consistent with SAFETEA- <br />LU provisions; and Article 8 of Chapter 143 of the North Carolina General Statutes. The <br />Contractor also agrees to comply with the provisions of FTA Circular 4220.1 E, 'Third Party <br />Contracting Requirements," to the extent those provisions are consistent with SAFETEA-LU <br />provisions and with any subsequent amendments thereto, except to the extent the Department. <br />Although the FTA "Best Practices Procurement Manual" provides additional procurement <br />guidance, the Contractor understands that the FTA "Best Practices Procurement Manual" is <br />07-SC-056 Page 29 of 59 <br />Orange County <br />